Just another day (Fluffybird)

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  (This was requested by fluffymyers)


  That's all you could hear in this place. The clicking of keyboards. Rarely any talking. Just clicking of the keys. Harry may have gotten used to the sound. But he still didn't like how no one showed emotions. They all seemed like husks to Harry. Whenever Harry cracked a smile or showed any emotion, he heard them whisper rumors and other things about him.

  It was time for Harry to leave work and head home to Robin and Manny. Of course, he smiled, but then he heard the whispers again. This time he ignored them and kept smiling. He got in his car and drove home with a smile on his face.

  Manny heard the Harry's car pull up to the house. Manny ran to get Robin, who was making some spaghetti for dinner (which was Mannys favorite). Once Harry walked through the door, Manny jumped on Harry. "Hey man man! " Harry said exhausted. Manny got off Harry. Robin smiled and gave Harry a kiss on the lips, " How was work? Exhausting as usual? " Robin asked the red headed male as he went back to cooking. " It was okay, still very tiring doing the same thing everyday. " Harry sighed. Harry and Manny sat on the couch watching Mannys favorite show.

✧~ later ~✧

  Harry carried Manny upstairs while Robin was sitting on the couch reading his book. " Hey buddy, could you pick out a book you want me to read tonight? " Harry asked the small child. " Of course! " Answered Manny and he searched for a book. Once he had found the book he wanted, he laid down in his bed while Harry sat on the edge of the bed, reading the story.

~✺ small time skip ✺~

  " And the end.. " Harry said while closing the book. He rubbed Mannys hair, " Goodnight buddy. " The red headed man said as the child yawned and closed his eyes, ready for sleep. Harry closed the door behind him as he left Mannys room. Harry sighed and walked downstairs to see that Robin was still reading his book.

  Harry planted a kiss on Robins forehead. " Tired yet? " Robin asked the man. Harry shook his head. Harry looked like he had something on his mind. " Somethings up.. I can tell.. " Robin said as he sat up and put his book down. Harry sat on the couch next to boyfriend. " You know you can tell me right? " The smaller male said, cuddling up close to Harry. Harry sighed, " I don't get how everyone I work with is so... Dead inside... They seem like they have no emotions! " Harry said angrily. Robin knew what was coming next. Harry was going to get mad and complain about work and everyone he worked with, which Robin didn't mind but it would usually wake Manny up (which was something Robin didnt want). Robin played with the taller males hair. This usually calmed Harry down and made him relaxed. " If you don't like the people there, why not find another job? Like something that you actually want to do? " Robin asked. Harry thought about his boyfriends comment.

  " It pays good money, which we need, " Harry sighed.. " Or... You could take some time off and we could go do something fun? Like camping or going to an amusement park? " Harry's boyfriend suggested. Harrys face light up. This made Robin smile. " I like that.. We would have to take Manny with us though, " Harry replied. " Or we could let someone babysit him? And we could enjoy some time together? " Robin cooed to his boyfriend. " I like that idea.. Let's do that. " Harry declared. The two lovers both sat on the couch until they fell asleep.

  The next day was just another day for Harry.

So how did you like that? I loved writing that.. I really would like to write a chapter about them going somewhere, whether it be with or without Manny. And I wrote 624 words, slowly getting up to a thousand each chapter. Well hope you enjoyed! Leave some suggestions if you want too!

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