Cute.... (part 1) (fluffybird)

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(This was requested by fluffymyers)

Manny was asleep in his room, while robin and Harry sat on the couch. Harry was flipping through channels while robin was reading a book. "Why is there never anything good on at this time.... " Harry mumbled to himself. Robin looked over to his boyfriend "what baby? " He asked. Harry didn't realize he heard him and said, " Oh it-its nothing! "

Robin got up to go make himself some tea, " Would you like something harry? " He asked his red headed boyfriend. Harry shook his head. Harry laid down on the couch knowing the tea would take a while. Harry closed his eyes and fell asleep, not knowing his stomach was showing, nor that his lover came back over.

Robin noticed that Harry's stomach was showing. Robin sat next to Harry poking his stomach. Harry shifted around in his sleep. Robin continued to do this. Harry started to smile sleepily. Harry opened his eyes and rolled over to see Robin, poking him. He felt his face become hot. Robin kept poking him, harry started to giggle and squirm a little. Robin smiled at this. Robin started to giggle with him.

" Robin please sto -!" Harry started to laugh harder as Robin tickled him. " What was that sweetheart? ~ " Robin cooed. Robin stopped tickling Harry to get his tea. Harry sat up, " Why did you do that!? " Harry questioned Robin, Robin shrugged. " I thought your chubby ness was cute, I couldn't help myself, " Robin answered. Harrys face once more, became red. " It's no-t cute! " Harry stuttered. Robin giggled.

Robin sat next to Harry with his cup of tea in his hand. Harry talked to Robin about what happened at work, Robin listened and told Harry about what him and Manny would do will he was gone. They both loved every moment of this. Robin sat his tea down on the table. Robin pushed Harry down on the couch. Harry's face began to heat up. " R-rob-in? " Harry stuttered. Robin smiled and began poking at Harry's stomach again. Harry laughed. Robin started giggling with Harry.

Robin stopped poking Harry after a few minutes. Robin loved hearing Harry's laugh, his voice, and him in general. Robin kissed Harry on the lips, they both melted into the kiss. Harry heard some footsteps, so he pulled away from Robin. Robin was confused that was until he heard Manny's voice. " Dad? Papa? " He heard Manny call out from the stairs. Robin sat up and got off the couch. He walked to towards Manny. " What do you need honey? " Robin asked Manny. " I just heard something down here.. " Manny answered softly. Harry sat up and looked over to Manny and Robin he smiled. " Well how bout you get back to bed? Everything is fine down here, okay?. " The green haired male said quietly.

Robin took Manny back to bed, " Goodnight sweetness.. " Robin told Manny closing his door. Robin tip toed down the stairs and sat back down with Harry. Robin cuddled his boyfriend. Harry kissed Robins forehead. They both soon fell asleep curled up on the couch.

514 words, well, I hope y'all enjoyed this! Leave any requests or ideas that you have in the comments or just message me.

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