Cute (part 2(fluffybird))

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  (This was requested by fluffymyers and this is also a part 2 to Cute...)

  Robin loved how chubby Harry was. He always told Harry this, and Harry always became flustered. This always made him smile though.

  Manny was at school while Harry and Robin were at home. Harry was taking a nap when Robin came in. Robin sat next to Harry. He placed down a cup of coffee. He shook Harry a bit to wake him up. It didn't work though. He shook him harder. But that just made him roll onto his side, facing away from his boyfriend. Robin sighed. He decided to let Harry sleep, so Robin went down stairs to watch their show.

  Harry woke up about 10-20 minutes later and smelled... 'Coffee?' He thought sleepily. He sat up and looked at the cup coffee Robin had left for him. Harry picked it up and smiled. He loved how Robin took care of him and Manny.

  Harry went down stairs to greet his boyfriend, he saw Robin sitting on the couch drinking some tea while reading a book. Harry came and sat down on the couch, yawning. He was still tired. Robin said " Good afternoon, love. " Not looking away from his book. " It's the afternoon already? " Harry questioned. Robin, not looking away from his book once again, nodded. Robin got up and and went to the kitchen and put his cup that once held a drink in it, in the sink. Robin placed his book on the counter also and went over to harry and slightly smirked. Harry knew Robin was up to something.

  Robin sat in front of Harry on the floor. " Poke. " Robin said, repeatedly poking Harrys stomach. Harry started  giggling, trying to stop Robin. Harry grabbed both of Robins wrist. " Now you can't do anything! " Harry declared. Robin sighed " I guess you got me.. " Then Robin smirked. Harry knew he didn't get him.

  Robin starting kissing harrys stomach. Harry laughed and let go of robins wrist. Robin started laughing to but the evil type of laugh. This went on for a couple mins, that was until Harry grabbed robins wrists once again and pinned him down on the ground. They both stopped giggling. Harry had a straight face. Robin started to worry. ' Did I go to far..? What's he gonna do to me..? ' Robin thought to himself.

  Harry's started to giggle slightly. Robin became confused.

  Harry began kissing robins neck, Robin started laughing once again. They both would go back and forth, making each other laugh. This went on for about 10-15 mins. They both stopped when they heard Manny come home from school and ask, " What's going on?.. " Harry and Robin paused, not knowing what to say.

  " Nothing sweetheart... " Robin cooed, getting up and walking towards Manny. " How was school? " Robin asked, walking towards the stairs. " Very boring, but we learned about the solar system! That was really fun.! " Manny answered.

  Harry couldn't help but smile.. ' How did I get such a beautiful and amazing family.. '  Harry thought to himself.

(Heyooo, I finally made this chapter :/ sorry it took so long, I really didn't know what to do. Feel free time send requests for future chapters or things you want me to draw for you! I will be happy to write a smut for you, I won't draw it though sorry.. Also! Lechild37 don't worry, I'm working on your request. I just wanted to finish this. Buh bye~)

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