Proposal (fluffybird)

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Harry and Robin have been together for what? 3-4 years now? Harry was always waiting for the perfect time to propose to robin. And he thought today was the day. He was finally going to propose to the love of his life.

" Robin, could you get dressed for me and meet me at ***** park? " Harry asked his boyfriend.

" Sure! Do you want me to dress casual or? " Robin questioned, looking at the clothes in his closet. " Anything works love. " Harry cooed as he walked out the door and drove to ***** park to meet robin there. The park he was headed to was robin's favorite place, besides home of course. He liked going there for picnics and whatnot. Harry called Tony and asked him the other teachers to watch Manny until Robin and him were back.

Robin took a taxi to the park since Harry took the car. Robin wondered why Harry wanted to meet him there. 'Could it be a surprise date? OooO if it is that, I would like that a lot!! ' Robin thought as he got out of the taxi and wandered around looking for Harry. He soon found him underneath a cherry blossom tree, in a dark blue tux. Harry had a dozen roses in his right hand and his left hand behind his back. 'What's he hiding? ' Robin wondered walking closer to Harry, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Harry smiled softly. Robin smiled back. Harry handed Robin the roses, " Thank you Harry... So why did you want to meet me here? " Robin asked his boyfriend. Harry sighed ' I have to do this.. ' Harry took a deep breath and built his confidence up. " You know how we've been together for 4 years now? " Robin nodded.

" Well... Your the man of my dreams and I don't wanna lose you... So.. " Harry got down on one knee, "Robin will you marry me?... " Harry asked his love.

Robin felt tears roll down his face. "Yes... Yes, I will marry you..! " Robin finally answered, they both cried tears of joy. Harry hugged Robin tightly as they both cried. They finally let go of each other as the tears stopped rolling down their faces. Robin kissed harry passionately.

♡☆*:. Later .:*☆♡

  Harry and Robin later came home after having dinner together. Manny was in bed when they both came home. Robin went in Manny's room, gave Manny a kiss on his forehead and then left, shutting his door almost all the way. Harry and Robin liked that they had time to themselves. They both went and sat down on the couch, watching a rom-com that was on.

  They both soon fell asleep, cuddling each other.

(445 words! :P I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter! I'm really sorry it took so long to be published.. I worked on it a lil a couple days a week so yeahh.... Please leave requests for me owo)

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