My Love Bug (Lampnold)

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(This is a short story that I wanted to write so enjoy!)

  Larry sat on the couch, bottle in hand. He liked to watch TV and drink a little when he was feeling down. But this day in particular felt... Different. Dare he say... He didn't know why it felt like that. While Larry was zoned out, shirgnold walked in the living room and sat down next to Larry on the couch. Shirgnold didn't notice Larry was lost in his thoughts when he started talking to him.

"Hey Larry, how would you feel about joining Malcom?" He asked, thinking he was drunk.

Larry didn't answer

Shirgnold took a glance at Larry. 'Why is he staring off like that, did he even hear me?' Shirgnold thought to himself. 'Maybe he isn't drunk? But why is he staring off like that?' He wondered. Shirgnold stood up and walked in front of Larry. He waved his hand in Larry's face.

Larry snapped back to reality and saw, 'shrig? What's he doing here?' Larry thought to himself, "hey shrig, um, could you, not wave your hand in my face?" He said grabbing shirgnolds hand. Shirgnold blushed at this. No. He shouldn't, it would go against Malcoms words to love a man. But why did he like this thing that he was feeling. Shrig tried to pull away from Larry's grasped but Larry just pulled him closer.

"Don't leave me just yet love bug.." He told the blushing man in a soft tone, it almost sounded... calming to shirgnold just hearing him.

'Love bug?..' Shirgnold liked that nickname.. 'No! I can't like him.. It would give against everything I do.' He thought to himself, trying to shake away those thoughts

Larry noticed how much shirgnold was blushing, so he kissed shirgnold on the cheek and watched the shorter male pull away and cover his face with his hands. Larry has always liked shirgnold, right when they first met, Larry knew he found his special one. But he knew it would take a lot to try and get with shirgnold, knowing that any gay couples in Malcolms "family" would be shunned if he found out.

The thing is, no one in the "family" really hated gay people, but they were told too by Malcolm. And they all knew what would happen if they didn't. And plus, it would be a very terrible punishment if Malcolm found out that his most loyal "family" Members went against his rules and beliefs.

Shrignold started to walk away. But he stopped dead in his tracks, he turned around and started to walk towards Larry again. "Shrig, wh-what are you doing?" Larry said, letting out a fake laugh. Shrignold smirked. Larrys mind started to race with thoughts.

Shrignold sat down next to Larry and grabbed his hand and pulled him close, just like Larry did to him. Larry blushed deeply at this. "Shrig what are yo-" Larry was cut off by shrignold kissing him. Both shrignold and larrys faces became very red from this. Neither knew what to do next.

But lucky for them, Colin walked in just after this happened. "Hey Larry and shrignold, what's happening?" Colin asked the two males sitting on the couch. They both paused, not knowing what to say next. That was until Larry spoke up and said, "N-nothing mu-much. You?" Larry stuttered. Colin look concerned, "Is something wrong? You don't normally stutter?" But before Larry could speak, shrignold spoke up.

"Everything is fine!" Shrignold answered for Larry. Colin became less concerned but also wanted to know what happened between them before he walked in. But he shrugged it off and was gonna ask another time. Colin walked out of the room without another word.

"Larry can I tell you something?"

"Of course you can love bug!"

Shrignold sighed, 'what if he doesn't like me back?.. But what if Malcom finds out.' He thought time himself. Finally Shrignold gathered up the courage and finally said, "Larry I.. I like.. You.. I like you a lot. And I mean a lot a lot.. Do you feel the same way..?"

Larry giggled at this..

"Why is it funny?!" Shrignold shouted, "I just confessed my love for you! There's nothing funny about it!"

"But there is my love bug.. Cause I love you too.. And I have for a very long time.." Larry just smiled now. Waiting for shrignolds reaction.

Shrignold was shook. 'Larry actually... Likes me back?..' He thought. Shrignold stared into larrys starry eyes. Larry looked back at shrignolds eyes, one had a heart pupil with a pinkish red iris, while the other was a normal circle pupil with a brown iris. "So.. Would you like to me my boyfriend and maybe future husband?" Larry asked.

"Yes.. Yes, I would.."

(Ahh, I loved writing that uwu. Lampnold is one of my favorite dhmis ships, besides fluffybird of course. Feel free to leave suggestions for future chapters! Buh bye! ~)

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