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(This is gonna be a really short story, it contains some fluffybird and this was requested by fluffymyers!)

  Robin was sitting on the couch, cuddling with harry. Manny was on the floor drawing with Paige. Robin heard them both giggling, "why are you guys laughing? " He asked out of curiosity. Manny looked up at him, face a little red. "Oh! I-it's nothing mom- I-I MEAN DAD" He answered, blushing even more, embarrassed. The man looked confused but didn't question it, "okay?" He still wanted to know what was so funny but could learn that later. He got up and went to grab a quick snack, a little hungry but it was too early for dinner. 

Later that night, after they all ate and Paige left, Robin was tucking Manny in. He had sat on his bed, finishing a book that the boy requested. Rob closed the book and set it down on his shelf, "Hey buddy, why were you giggling with Paige earlier?" The man asked, feeling like it was a good enough time to. "Well uh... Paige said you act like the mom of all of us.." "Well is that a bad thing?" Manny shook his head, "no! Not at all!" Rob smiled, "then it's okay, you didn't need to keep it from me.." He kissed his head and left, turning the lights off and closing the door.

The green-haired male leaned against the wall, blushing quite a lot, did he really act like the mom of everyone.. He did always cook for them, clean up, be protective like a mom would... His thoughts trailed off as he thought, he didn't even see his husband come up and ask if he was okay, he was too lost in thought. 

"Baby, you alright?" His husband asked, not realizing he was in space. Harry finally noticed he was lost in his mind and chuckled, giving him a soft kiss to wake the man from his trance. They both looked at each other, smiling, sharing another kiss then getting ready for bed. Today had been eventful but fun, he also didn't mind being called mom.

(ELLO BItCH, I am not dead- just forgot about Wattpad. Sorry, I don't know how I can make it up to you guys... But school is basically over so I can finally write more without being stressed!!!! >:D Hope you enjoyed this small chapter, I'm also gonna finally write something other than fluffybird- :/ Have an amazing day!!!!!!! Love yall so much! Good day / night!!)

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