She's allergic to that

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"Ji-woo, this is getting ridiculous now, stay in your own bed" I grumble as I took her back into her covers. "But I don't want to sleep on my own" she tells me. I don't mean to, but I let out a loud sigh "no you're not, you're staying here, if your daddy finds out.." I don't get to finish as I'm interrupted.

"Daddy's already found out" Jin says with a very pissed off expression on his face. "Ji-woo, it is half four in the morning, what on earth are you doing up at this time pumpkin?" he asks as he crouches down next to her.

"Don't want to sleep by myself" she mumbles to him "well you need to, we're getting up in a couple of hours, I don't want you being tired throughout the day, so go sleep" he tells her before kissing her forehead.

I do the same before we both leave the room and close the door. "Hang on Jin" I whisper as he turns away. He looks at me confused and I point at the side of the door, telling him to stand there.

After about a minute, the door opens quietly and Ji-woo pokes her head out "what did we say?" Jin says as he crosses his arms, she lowers her head and she mumbles something. We take her back into her bed and continue this cycle for about half an hour until Jin gets fed up.

"This is ridiculous, come here" Jin snaps as he picks her up and takes her to his room. "You are not being a good girl Ji-woo, because of this, you're not sleeping at auntie Chungha's tomorrow" I hear him say as his door closes.

That is also when I hear Ji-woo start to sniffle "nope, you can't start crying now, you've done this to yourself now go to sleep" he tells her. With that, I head back to my bedroom and let myself rest for another half an hour before I have to wake up for work.


It's around 8am and I'm already done at work. It's been two hours and I've already had 2 stupid teens come in after using their mum's house as a parkour set and sprained their ankles.

I've also had to deal with a grouchy little girl at home after she refused to sleep last night. So that was no fun at all. I'm gonna bring this up to y/n and Jin, about putting a baby gate on her door frame, just so she can't get out and run about.

And from this morning's event, I bet Jin will agree and I also bet she will be in a lot of trouble today. "Tae" I hear someone say from next to me. As I look, I see my beautiful girl standing there "hey there beautiful" I mumble before taking her in my arms.

"How was Ji-woo when you left?" I ask, y/n makes a face, telling me that she got a telling off this morning "Jin was pissed when he woke up, I barely got a kiss from him" she tells me. "Yikes, who's watching her today?" I mumble before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Jin is" she says, I can't help it, but a small laugh makes its way out my mouth "Ji-woo won't be happy about that" I say. Just as y/n is about to speak, she's interrupted "Tae, y/n we have a 17 year old girl coming in, serious allergic reaction" Chungha tells us as she runs from the reception area.

We quickly get a room ready and just in time, Hyo and Jin-young come running in with the young girl with a swollen face and her panicked mum right behind them "this is 17 year old Lana, her mum called us after she noticed a rash appear around her face and her breathing go bad, an epipen has been used but it's not been effective" Jin-young explains.

"On my count, 1..2..3" I say and we quickly move her to the bed, then the guys leave. y/n quickly gives her an injection with another epipen and we quickly get her hooked to the heart monitor and place a breathing mask over her mouth to help her.

Her mum quickly takes her hand as soon as we move out of the way "from the seriousness of her reaction, we do need to get someone to check her brain activity, just to make sure" y/n explains gently to the mum.

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