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I button my white top up whilst looking at myself in the mirror, I put the black suit jacket around me and put my arms in them. My hair was in a tight ponytail and my makeup was natural. I go downstairs where my girlfriend was stood at the counter scrolling on her phone. "You look perfect" she says and comes over and kisses me. "As do you Lauren" I say and look at her black dress. A tear falls down my face she quickly wipes and says "it'll be okay I promise"
We hear a call pull up, Beth and Viv. I had barely spoken to Beth in years, slight contact through the years.
But she agreed to pick me and Lauren up to drive to the north east. We get in the car but it was tense. Me and Beth were both grieving the loss.

We finally arrive and my dad was in the living room. Me and Lauren get out the car and walk in. I embrace my dad in a hug. "Hey darling" he whispers. "Hi dad" I say
Beth and Viv walk in and he does the same for Beth.
Ben and his girlfriend arrives and he does the same for his son.

The funeral cars pull up and we get in it. Me Lauren, and dad in the front one.
We sit in the back and Lauren holds my hand I look at her with tears in my eyes.
She rubs my hand.

We get to the church and everyone was already there, the front rows had been reserved for family members. We follow behind the coffin with tears in our eyes.

"We are here today to celebrate the wonderful life of June mead" the priest says
"June was a kind, generous and wonderful woman. She would never take anything for granted. She lived in Whitby with her husband Richard, they had three kids together, Beth, Ben and Bailey. June would constantly take her children to the park for a football game, which inspired her two girls and they now play professionally." He says, I felt the tears become uncontrollable
"June was a grateful and loving wife and mum. She constantly helped the community in hardship and that's why we ask for you to give a donation to ovarian cancer as you leave today."
"June was always a fighter, unfortunately this time she couldn't win. She tried and tried, she knew it was her time. And although we might not have June sat with us today her soul is carried around and will follow you wherever you go, as she will still watch over us and watch our successes." He says

The funeral ends and we head to the local cricket club where the wake was being held. I walk in with Lauren and I go over to my dad and brother. "How you feeling?" My dad asks me.
"Lost, I guess" I admit quietly
Lauren quickly holds my hand and we take a seat at the table. Beth comes over "hi" she says attempting to create small talk.
"Hey" I reply
Lauren says "I'm just going to go the toilet" followed by Viv.

I play with the rings on my fingers "how are you?" Beth asks me. I shrug my shoulders.
"You?" I ask
"I don't know" she says
"Where did we go wrong bails?" She asks
"It wasn't a we. It was you Beth" I say
"Look-" she says
"This isn't the time or place to be talking about this okay" I say and stop the conversation.
Ben comes over "hey" he says to me, "hi benny" I say
"I missed you both" he says
"I missed you" Beth says
"I missed you too Ben" I say
"How's city? Heard your contract is up soon" he says
"Yeah it is, I'm not extending I don't think. Just need to speak to laur about it" I say
"How come?" He asks
"There's just something, it's not clicking with me anymore. City was my life and now it isn't" I say
Lauren comes over and sits next to me, as Ben left a spare seat for her.

After a couple hours, Beth and Viv said they were leaving so me and Lauren went with them. We get to mine and Lauren's. "Come inside" I randomly say
"You sure?" Beth asks
"Yeah, why not" I say becoming shy again

We walk in and our cockapoo Marley runs up to us. "Hey Marley" I say
"When did you get this beauty?" Beth asks
"2 years ago" I say
"How long have you been a thing?" She asks
I look at Lauren and she says "6 years"

Two sisters. Two lives.Where stories live. Discover now