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"Caitlin" I say as I'm calling her whilst everyone stares at me, but I try to take my attention away from that.
"Hello" she says teary.
"Oh my god are you okay?" I say, I felt slightly relieved she picked the phone up.
"Yea- yeah I'm fine" she says
"What happened?" I ask
"I tired talking to her" she says "yeah" I say as I walk out the room.
"I tried giving her the closure and we ended up kissing" she says.
"Aww Caitlin" I say
"I don't know what to do" she says
"Focus on international then focus on telling Katie, I'll be with you every step off the way I promise" I say
"Focus on your career, no matter how important she is to you. Please trust me, I know what it's like okay" I say
"Y-yeah" she says crying
"Caitlin please, calm yourself down. You're going to make yourself sick. It's happened now and you can't change it, but you can move on from it, Katie is a feisty character you need to not tell her and distract her whilst she's in Ireland. You need to do a face to face talk okay" I say
"Ye-yeah" she says
"I'll call you back in 5 minutes, I've got a quick meeting with Sarina, I hope that's okay?" I say
"Yeah of course, I'm not going to stop your meeting. Hope it goes well" she says
"Me too, see you later Cait" I say

I didn't actually have a meeting I just needed to have my food. I go back in and the girls look at me. "Everything good?" Chloe asks
'Yeah" I say

I quickly call Leila Ouihabi, one of my close friends from Man City.

It goes to her voicemail "Oye, por favor llámame cuando recibas esto. Sé que estás en el campamento pero esto es serio, necesitas hablar con Alanna y Mackenzie cuando regreses a Inglaterra" (Hey, please call me back when you recieve this. i know your at camp but this is serious, you need to talk to Alanna and Mackenzie when you get back to England.)

Leah, Keira and Georgia comes over "I might live in Spain and I don't even know that, how do you?" She asks
"Me and Beth had a babysitter when we were younger who taught us fluent Spanish" I say
"Oh, amaba a esa niñera. Me pregunto cómo estará ella ahora." (Oh, I loved that babysitter I wonder how she's doing now) Beth Shouts across the room.

"Guess it comes in handy if we ever go to a Spanish team right?" I say
"Si" Beth says (yes)
I turn back to Keira, Leah and Georgia. "What did Sarina say?" Leah asks
"Oh just telling me to message Caitlin" I say
"Caitlin?" Keira questions
"Foord" I say
I finish up "I better go, I need to call her" I say. I stand up and my phone rings. 'Auntie Mary'
"Fuck" I say and answer. "Hey aunt Mary" I say
"Hey golden girl, how are you?" She asks
"Good and you?" I say
"I'm great, just called to check up on you" she says
"Well I'm good. Look I've really got to go. Is it okay if I call you back tonight?" I ask
"Of course, see you soon" she says
"Yeah bye" I say

The call ends and I leave the room. "Caitlin" I say as she answers. I hear her sniffling, she's been crying more.
"Just wait I'm going to request a FaceTime once I get to my room" I say
"Ok" she mumbles

I get to the room and request the FaceTime. She answers and she's in her hoodie laid in a bed, I see Kyra in the background.
"Aren't you meant to be training?" I ask
"No, we landed in ireland yesterday for us to play them tomorrow" Caitlin says
"Oh yeah that's right sorry" I say
"Hey Bailey" Kyra says in the background.
"Hi Kyra" I say
Kyra leaves the room. "How come you went and saw Lia?" I ask Caitlin
"We were both going for international duty I thought if we spoke it would give us a break and time for both of us to think about everything" Caitlin explains
"Okay, did she kiss you?" I ask
"Yeah yeah of course" she says
"Please, I really didn't mean anything by it" she says
"I know you didn't Caitlin. I promise I know you don't" I say
"Just please act normal with her tomorrow. Then tell Katie when you are both away from duty yeah?" I say
"Yeah" she says
"She's the captain of Ireland she can't have any more pressure on her shoulders right now" I say
"Yeah" Caitlin says
"Good" I say

Two sisters. Two lives.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora