Hydro room

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We do our training session, it wasn't too bad considering it was my first time with the lionesses. We all go to our rooms and get a shower. I go first after begging Chloe. As I'm about to leave theirs a knock. "Hey" the blond says. "Hi" I say
"Chloe I'll be back soon okay" I shout into the bathroom.
"Alright" she says
I walk with Leah to the hydro room. "What made you think about the hydro room?" I ask
She shows me the keys. "Relaxation, my duty as captain, to make sure every person of the team is calm" she says
I smile at her and we walk in. "Don't worry I brought you some swimwear" she says
"More like you nicked it off Beth" I say as she holds up the shorts with Beth's number on.
"Well yeah, didn't think you'd let me take some of yours you know with everything" she says

We get in the pool. "I'm sorry for running" I say
"It's fine, I get it" she says
"I just don't think I'm ready for anything serious" I say
"I know what you mean. Don't worry about it. Just relax" Leah says
"You're seriously not mad at me. Or any bit angered?" I say
"No of course not. I understand why you did it, it was the heat of the moment. And we shouldn't of kissed, it was stupid by me" she says
"It wasn't stupid Leah" I say
"It was" she says
"I haven't really been focusing on anything at the minute. I've been trying to focus on myself and with that I think I've lead a couple girls on. Maybe being a bit too friendly. Lia and you" I say
"You didn't lead me on. I did it at my own expense because I like you" she says and looks me in the eye.
"Shit" I say to myself. "I don't expect you-" she says
"No it's not that. I just never joined the dots" I say
"What?" She asks and lightly chuckles.
"When I was sat with you and Keira, Georgia and Beth had smirks on their faces, when I came for water and you gave it to me. God your friends are hopeless at hiding stuff. You're lucky it was me who noticed it, no one else. Because I'm not smart hence why I didn't join it up" I say
"You are smart" she says
"But yeah, Georgia and Keira don't really get the 'hiding' stuff" she says
"I know that probably nothing will come out of this, and it's just a little crush by me. I know your still head over heels for Lauren" she says
"I don't think my love for Lauren will ever fade and I have to accept that. We will both move on but there will always be some sort of connection. I just need to push Lauren to the back of my mind, I don't know who I'll fall in love with next. Or if that person can throw away my love for Lauren. But I know that whoever it is, can accept that too" I say
"I felt the same about Jordan. We were together for two years, then I guess you came along and I don't even feel that connection with her anymore" Leah says
"So it does get better?" I ask
"It always will" she says and puts her hand on my arm.

Leah pushes me in the pool, so I drag her in with me.
She holds onto me. "Sorry" she says as she floats back up. "No worries your face was priceless when you got dragged in" I say and laugh
"You know your different to your sister" she says
"I am?" I question
"Yeah, Beth's shy and don't get me wrong she's nice, but you, your so much different. Your confident and outgoing your constantly doing what's best for others" Leah says
"I wanna hug you but I feel like that's weird in water" I say and laugh.
"So?" She says and puts her eyebrow up, I put my arms around her. We hug.

I pull away "yeah that's weird, please remind me to never do that again" I say
She laughs and says "I will"
I dunk her head in the water, "I just washed my damn hair" she says
"Me too, but you pushed me in" I say
"Shame" she says sarcastically
"Plus your hair doesn't need much, it's perfect the way it is" I say
"I think I'm going to cut bangs" she says and I feel my eyes widen.
"Oh come on I won't look that bad" she says
"Or that good" I say and chuckle.
"That's mean" she says
"Aww" I say sarcastically

"This is what you should do with your hair" I say and start badly styling her hair.
I look at her eyes, they were perfect. A beautiful shade of blue, it reminded me of the sea me and my mum used to visit when I was younger.
I look down to her lips. I lean in and kiss her. The lights turn off. "Shit that's our time" she says and pulls away. Why did it have to happen then?
We get out trying to find out way. "I'm soaking how the fuck do we get to our room looking like this" I say and turn my phone torch on, "get changed then if your going to complain" Leah says
"Fine" I say and start getting changed. "Wish the lights were on now huh?" I say teasing her.
"Definitely" she says
I finish and go up to her. "You know, you're special" I say as I have my hands on her cheeks. I lean in and does she. This kiss was passionate and long.
"Fuck" I say as we pull away from each other, her arms still over my shoulders and my hands now on her neck.

We walk out and Leah was soaking and I was dry. "What you get for-" I go to say
"What have you two been doing in there?" Chloe says
"Leah was showing me around and accidentally fell into the pool" I say
"It has a cover on though right?" Chloe says
"They must of forgotten to do it" Leah says
"Alright" Chloe says and walks off. "That was close" Leah whispers
I look at her and say "yeah it was"
We walk up to our room. I hear a laugh coming from next door. I presume she went into Keira and Lucy's.
Keira comes to get me "have you seen Leah?" She says and drags me out.
I walk in and don't laugh. "Well, why aren't you laughing. This is fucking hilarious" Lucy says and takes a photo and puts it on her instagram story.

It stated 'when the captain can't even see where the pool is 😂'
"I saw it happen" I admit
Lucy laughs even harder "was it funny" she asks
"Well Leah pushed me in, so I dragged her in. And remembering her face is priceless" I say with a smirk as I look at Leah.
"How come your dry?" Lucy asks
"I had common sense to change" I say

Two sisters. Two lives.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz