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Bailey POV
I've tried calling Leah a couple times but it's just gone straight to voicemail I presumed it was because of her captaining duties. I didn't want to disturb her too much, I drove up to Whitby. The first time I had properly driven in ages. I sit in my car waiting for my dad to come to the front door like he usually does when he knew I was coming to see him, but there was no sight of him. I didn't know how to feel, I kind of expected it but yet it hurt because he wasn't there. I wanted him to be around forever and I knew he wouldn't be, I look over to the living room window and the blinds and curtains were closed. Maybe he was still sleeping? Maybe he didn't get out of bed? Maybe he forgot I was coming?

I grab the keys out the ignition and I walk to the front door. Before I knock I see my neighbour come out the front door "long time no see?" The boy says
"Hey Jake? What's up" I ask as I walk over the grass to give him a hug.
"I'm good, playing for Whitby United but nothing as special as you. ARSENAL and the LIONESSES" he says emphasising the football teams
"Well yeah" I say and we both laugh
"How's your brother doing?" I ask, Me and Alex were really close, we were both in the same year. Jake was in Beth's so we knew each other well but not as much as me and Alex.
"He's at uni, he's studying law. Said he wants to be a lawyer. After his knee injury he couldn't cope with the stress and pressure so he threw rugby out he window" Jake explains
"Poor thing, he was so good." I say
"Could of been a star, like you" he says
"I wouldn't class myself as a star" I say
"Oh I would" he says
"How's Beth?" He asks
"She's good, she is currently with the lionesses. For the euros" I say
"Aah yeah, I'm sorry about your injury" he says
"Err, what can you do? I'm getting treated so hopefully I be back in time for the World Cup am I right?" I say
"Yeah" he says
"Anyway, I'll tell Beth I saw you. She's probably forgot about you, well I'll remind her. You remember how her memory is" I say and we both laugh
"God yeah, it was so bad" he says and we laugh again
"See you Jake" I say
"Give Alex a text, he'd love it" he says
"Don't have his number" I say
"Here, make sure you tell him who you are" he says
"Obviously Jake" I say

I leave with Alex's number in my phone and go and knock on my dad's door. It was unlocked so I step in "dad?" I call out
"Upstairs" he shouts
I go upstairs and see him laid in bed. "Hey dad" I say
"Hey sweetie" he says
"How are you?" He asks and coughs
"I'm good, what about you?" I ask
"I'm alright" he says
"Where's Beth?" He asks
"She's at camp, with the England girls. For the euros" I say
"Oh yeah, forgot sorry sweetie" he says
"Don't be sorry. Do you want a cuppa?" I ask
"No coffee for me darl, I have to only have cold drinks with my medication" he says
"I'm sorry dad" I say
"Come on, sit down" he says and I get next to him on the bed. "How's your injury?" He asks
"It's okay" I say
"Where's Beth?" He asks
My heart breaks, "she's at camp with the lionesses" I say
"Aah yes" he says
"Where's your mother?" He asks "June" he shouts
I felt the tears prick my eyes, "she's just gone to the shops. She'll be back soon" I tell him
"Could've said goodbye" he says
"She did" I say and give him a smile
"Are you going to watch the game tonight?" I ask
"What game?" He asks
"The game against Austria, Beth will be playing" I say
"Okay" he says

It slowly approaches the night time and we are in the living room, the game starts and at 16 minutes Beth scores, she gives a heart to the sky, resembling my mum. "Why is she giving the heart to the sky?" He asks
"Just a celebration dad" I say
"Dad?" He questions
"Yes, you're my dad. And Beth's dad" I say
"Where's Beth?" He asks
"She's on the TV, she's playing" I say

Someone walks in the door "hey" Ben says followed by his girlfriend, "hey Ben" I say and go over and hug him then Olivia.
"Who's scored?" He asks
"Beth" I say

I stay for the night and then drive home the next morning, I get home and take a seat on the sofa, the tears were uncontrollable.

Two sisters. Two lives.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant