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"Bye" Leah says as she kisses my forehead before her Beth and Viv leave to go to the Chelsea game, before the door even shuts I hear the familiar Swiss voice "hey" I say
"Hi" she says
She comes in and sits next to me "how's the knee?" She asks
"Same as always, shit" I say
"How are you?" I ask Lia
"Getting there, think I'll phone Jonas tomorrow asking to come back in a week" she says
"I'm glad you sorted everything out" I say
"It's going to be awkward with Caitlin and Katie, especially since Katie doesn't know the truth" Lia says
"Yeah I know, but at the end of the day you both have to be professional" I say
"Yeah" she says
"You can't help what happened between you both, it's happened. Katie and Caitlin have moved on, no matter if Caitlin left out part of it, we've got to be happy for them, even if we don't accept it" I say
"I know" Lia says
The game starts after a bit and we watch it, "I'm so pissed I'm not there" I say as I see we are struggling.
"You will be back soon enough" Lia says

We get to half time and we are losing 3-0. I post on instagram a photo of the tv 'gutted to not be there, comeback time girlies x'
The game finishes 3-2. With goals from Caitlin foord and Stina.
Beth messaged me 'hope it's okay but the girls are coming to ours x'
'Of course it is Beth xx' I reply

"The girls are coming round" I say to Lia
"Okay" she says

After a while we hear a crowd of girls pile into the room. Lia gets up to see them but I can't. My knee was currently hurting a bit so it was resting. "Hey" I say to Beth who sits doing visibly annoyed. "It was a good game" I say
"Good? Piss of" she says
Viv comes over "we tried our hardest" Viv says
"I know you did" I say
Leah comes over and sits next to me. "Hey"she says
"Hi" I say and smile at her
"How's the knee?" She asks
"Okay, slightly painful" I say
"Your knees hurting?" Beth asks
"Yeah, I'm okay though" I say
"No, Viv get her painkillers!" Beth shouts at her girlfriend who was next to her. "Okay, I'm going" she says and leaves.
More of the girls come in and talk to me. "Hey Cait" I say as she walks in.
"Hey bails, how are you?" She asks
"I'm okay, nice goal" I say
"I tried" she says
She sits on the opposite sofa and Katie joins her holding her hand.

I smile at them before turning to Leah "can we talk outside?" I ask her. "Sure" she says and helps me up, she gives me my crutches and we walk outside. "Hectic in there" I say
"Yeah" she says
"Are you breaking things off?" Leah asks shyly
"What no" I say and turn to her
"I might of said shit ages ago, letting you leave. But you stood by me and I'll always stand by you Leah" I say
"Is this actually going to go anywhere? We've been closed off for ages but neither of us has asked the question?" She says
"What question?" I ask
"Do you want to be my girlfriend" she says
"Of course I do" I say  and hug her. "What?" She asks
"You just asked me le, I don't like making the first move so I let you" I say
She smiles and then laughs "god your such a tease" she says
"Well your girlfriend is a tease so get used to it" I say
She smiles and says "I'm glad she is"
She leans in, this kiss was different. It was full of passion and love, something we both shared.

We stand with each other for a bit before we are interrupted by coughing "here's your medicine" Beth says and hands some pills over with a glass of water. "Thanks" I say, Leah holds my crutches whilst I quickly take them.
She gives me my crutches back and Beth says "just a reminder, these are blacked out patio doors. You can't see in but we can see out"
She walks back in and I look at Leah with a smile, "they definitely all saw that" she says
"Oh yeah defo" I say
"But we will play it cool" she says
"Yeah exactly" I say

Leah walks in front and I hobble behind her, we walk in and the girls were deep in conversation. I hobble into the kitchen, where Lia, Beth, Caitlin, Katie, Stina and Alessia were. Leah stayed in the living room to talk to Emily and lotte.
"Hi" I say to Lia as she was by herself. I give her a small hug.
"Hey" she says sounding deflated. "I know it's hard" I say and look at her.
"No! You will never know how fucking hard this is!" She shouts at me
"Lia, please calm down" I say
All the girls came into the kitchen and were looking at us. "You wouldn't understand! You fucking kiss me then you run off to Leah!" She screams
"Woah! I told you what happened. We moved on, I told you I was sorry for leading you on!" I raise my voice at her
"But you give me so much shit advice!" She shouts
"Then don't fucking ask me!" I shout at her
"I fucking try!" I add

"You gave Caitlin the same shit! Don't tell Katie!" She shouts
My eyes flicker to the back of the room where Caitlin looked at me with sympathy. I turn back to Lia and say "Caitlin's one of my closest friends!" I say defensively
"Yeah and she's a cheater just like you!" Lia shouts
I stand there silent, my full heart dropped. My eyes water. "I'm not a cheater" I say to her
"No but we both know who is, don't we. We both know the full story of something?" She raises her voice.
"Lia please, don't" I say
"It's not your place to say anything" I add

"You're not the only one with fucking shit Lia, do you seriously think I want my knee to fucking stop working properly! No of course I don't! I barely moved two days ago! My dad's been given not even a year to live! So don't even fucking dare say you're the one struggling!" I scream at her
I felt the tears fall down my face, I felt arms on me. I turn around and see Caitlin "that's it get the cheater" she screams. "That's enough Lia" Caitlin says to her
"You didn't say that before though did you" Lia says
"What are you even talking about?" Caitlin says
"You and me, we had sex" she says. It came out, I look to Katie and she walks out.

"Shit" I say to myself.
I turn around and see Beth and Leah staring at me. "Will everyone just stop shouting!" Beth says
"I'm so done" I say and walk out. "We were meant to be friends!" I hear Lia say
I go back in hobbling "me too, but you know what Lia. You fucking ruined it, you've ruined a lot tonight" I shout at her
"Not only have you broken a friendship a relationship too. Just because you're the one not in a relationship doesn't mean you ruin other people's, because you're jealous!" I scream at her
I hobble out and Leah comes over to me "just leave me, please" I say and keep going.

I go to my room "I- I'm sorry Katie" I say as I walk in to her crying. I sit next to her "is it true?" She asks me
"I don't know, Caitlin didn't mention it to me, only Lia did" I say
I pull her into the side of me and she cries harder "I thought she was honest with me" Katie says
"And she might've been, maybe Lias making it up?" I suggest
I felt some tears fall out of my eyes.
"I'm sorry about your dad" she says
"You heard huh?" I say and cry a bit more
I gulp and say "yeah, I didn't mean to spill all my secrets like that"
"No one does" she says

The door opens and Beth comes in "she's starting at Leah and Alessia" Beth says and runs over to me. "Fuck" I say
I hobble back out with Beth and go over to the kitchen.
"Stealing people is that your sort of thing Leah!" I hear shouted
"Will you just be quiet, you've already insulted my girlfriend. And then to top it off you've broken up a relationship! Are you seriously that selfish! Really? We are meant to be a team, a family. And look at how you're acting! We understand it's hard for you to see your ex around. But you're not the only one. I have exes, for fuck sake Bailey has an ex, who we spent 2 weeks with at camp and nothing happened" Leah says, she turns around and sees me. She comes over and gives me a hug.

We stay like that for what felt like ages, I cried into her chest. Whilst all the girls attention was alessia and Lia arguing.
I hear a door slam, Lia left.
I sit down on the sofa, I knew my cheeks were red and puffy. I lean into Leah and her arms wrapped round me.

I see Caitlin come over "where's Katie?" She asks
"In my room- wait" I say to her as she goes to walk off, "did you and Lia?" I ask
"No! We fucking didn't" she says and I see the innocence in her eyes.
She goes to my room.

I look up and see Beth stood with Viv hugging and talking.
Most of the girls leave. Except from Leah, alessia, Katie and Caitlin.
"What did she argue with you about?" I ask alessia
"Apparently I was taking up too much room in the locker room" alessia says
"But you're not next to her I am?" I say
"Exactly" she says annoyed

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