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Today the girls play against Sweden. To get to the final of the European championships. I was going alongside Caitlin, Steph, Katie and Kim. Caitlin drives us to Sheffield, as the game was being played at Bramall Lane. "How are you?" Kim asks as we get out the car, "erm okay I guess" I say. I told the girls what had happened.
"You sure?" She asks putting her arm on my shoulder. "Yeah" I say
We get to the stadium and walk in, it was already busy with fans. "Just how the women's game has grown" Caitlin says
"I know right, English football clearly means stuff to fans!" Steph says
"Trust me. Growing up with an English family it's either football, rugby or cricket" I say with a slight laugh
"In Scotland it's the competition growing up, deciding on whether you support rangers or Celtic" kim says
"It's a massive sport in the UK. I mean there's what twenty teams in the premier league and every single one of them gets their stadium full" I say

We get to our seats and sit down. Katie and Caitlin leave to get us all some drinks. I take a breath as I look out to the pitch. "We are all here for you. What Leah did was messed up" Kim says
"Yeah" Steph says
"and what about when she's back" I say
"We are a team, we've got to be professional" Kim says
"Yeah, 'kay" I say
Katie and Caitlin come back. "Thanks Cait" I say as she hands me my tango.
"No problem" she says

I take a photo of the pitch and post it on my story 'Semi finals, vs Sweden. Let's go girls!'
"How are you?" Katie asks me as she takes a sip of her coke.
"I'm okay, it hurts and stings a bit, to know she went against me like that. But I'll be fine" I say and give her a smile
"I know what you feel like. I was like that with Ruesha" she says
"I'm going to head to the toilet" I say

I stand up and go to the toilet. I see a familiar face stood with Noelle Maritz. "Hey" I say as I go over to them. "Hi" Noelle says to me
I take a deep breathe "you good?" I ask Lia
"Yeah" she says and gives me a soft smile
"I'm sorry" she says
"It's fine, it's all in the past don't worry Lia" I say
"Where you girls sat?" I ask
"Row F, I'm seat number 10" she says
"Aah, right next to us. I'm seat 8" I say
"Who's 9" she asks
"Katie but I can switch" I say
"Hey, how's you and Leah?" She asks
"Long story" I say
"I'm going to go to the toilet" Noelle says
We give her a smile as she walks off. "I'm glad to see you" I say and smile at Lia
"Yeah, I've been in the down low after my fit" she says
"Yeah I know. I've really missed you around" I say
"So what happened? You and Leah?" She asks
"She had a secret relationship with Jordan. Whilst me and her were dating" I say and take a gulp. "I'm sorry" Lia says
"Yeah" I say and give her a smile
"Everything happens for a reason right?" I say
"Yeah" she says
"I pictured this conversation going a lot worse" Lia says with a chuckle
"Me too, I thought we would throw fists. Actually I probably shouldn't do that, the police will, be back at my door" I say and laugh
"What?" Lia questions
"Jordan accused me off attacking her" I say and roll my eyes
"Did you?" Lia asks
"No, god no" I say

Noelle comes back out and I say "ready to go?"
"Yeah" we both say
I saw Lia was nervous "Noelle how about you go on. We will catch you soon" I say
"Alright see you later" she says
"I know your nervous"I say to Lia
"Is it that obvious" Lia asks
"Your bound to be, but i suggest you just apologise, especially to Caitlin and Katie" I say
"Yeah I know" she says
"How's your knee?" She asks
"Getting better by the day" I say

I hold her hand to control her nerves until we get to the row. "Hey Katie can I switch with you?" I ask
"Of course" she says
"I'll let you go first" I say to Lia and she walks along. "Thanks" she says as she takes her seat. "No problem" I say
Me and Katie switch seats and I sit with Lia. I turn around and see Kim and Steph looking at me weirdly. "What?" I mouth to them
"You and Lia?" Kim mouths back
"What no" I mouth back

I turn to Lia and she has a smile on her face. "Glad that's over?" I question
"Yeah" she says
The girls come out to warm up, I wave to Beth and she waves back. "How's your dad?" Lia asks
"Not good" I answer. "But that's what we expected" I add

The girls finish warming up and come out to start the game. Beth starts the scoring at 34 minutes, leading them 1-0 into half time.
At half time Caitlin and Katie leave to go to the bathroom. "How are you?" Kim asks Lia
"I'm good" she answers
"I'm really sorry" she adds
"It's okay, everyone has bad days right" Kim says
"Yeah" Steph says

The second half comes round pretty quickly and Lucy bronze scores at 48 minutes getting  us up 2-0. Sweden kept counter attacking but they were humbled when alessia scores at 68 minutes, putting us up 3-0. And again when Fran scores at 76 minutes to conclude the game with a 4 goal victory.

Me and Lia go down to see Beth "hey beth" I say
"Hi" Lia says and Beth's hugs us both.
"I am so glad you're both here. You coming over?" Beth asks
"Only if Lia can too" I say
"Of course come on" Beth says
We both get over and me, Beth and Lia go over to some of the fans to sign things before heading into the changing rooms. "I'm sorry Beth" Lia says
"No worries, it's okay" Beth says

As we come back out the changing rooms Fara Williams catches us both "want to come for the interview?" She asks
"Why not" I say
We walk with fara to see Karen Carney and Rachel Yankey at the table. We get some microphone and stand there "the lionesses are heading to a euros final! At Wembley! How proud are you, to see your sister in such a big game Bailey?" Karen asks me
"Beth's worked so hard for something like this, I'm definitely proud of her. In fact I have no words to express my happiness for her" I say
"We are also joined by Lia walti who's captain of the Switzerland national team. Sorry for the loss Lia, but seeing England having to face Germany in the final, how exciting is that for you?" Fara asks
"It's exciting, I mean women's football isn't that big at the minute. But I feel if England win women's football will be the next big thing in English sport. Men's football is so big so women's is overlooked. So hopefully this can impact that" Lia answers
"Bailey missing out on the squad is a big miss for the team. But do you feel if you were a part of it you could help them?" Karen asks
"Yeah definitely. Every player fights for the place in the squad, and since I couldn't be in it, it gave someone else a chance. Which is good, because Sarina can bring new faces in the squad to see how she can get players into the right position. It was a big miss for myself but there was nothing I could do, I wish I could play. I wish I could make an impact but right now that's unrealistic. And now I'm aiming for the World Cup next summer" I say
"If England win, what will it be like for the women's game?" Rachel asks
"In England women's football is already becoming a big thing, I mean we can sell out stadiums like Bramall lane today. And the fact we are in a final even if they haven't even watched a game of women's football it's going to attract men's football fans because it's a Final. If we win it, it will, be the first trophy since 1966. So it will make the face of football for women hopefully grow" I say
"Yeah on the back of it. I play in the Women's Super League and you know we might not play in the men's stadiums but we play in Meadow Park for arsenal and we can sometimes sell it out, hopefully when we play at The Emirates this season we aim for a sellout" Lia says
"Thank you" Karen says and we walk off .

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