Day one

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Beth and Viv were sat in the front and I was in the back with my leg resting on the seat. We finally reach London Colney. Beth and Viv get out and then help me. I got my bandage took off last week after 4 weeks of having it on. Me and Leah were becoming closer.

We go inside and all the girls were waiting for me. "Thanks" I say to the captain as she comes over and gives me a hug. I find her eyes, I give her a soft smile before focusing back on Kim infront of me. She takes me to rehab where she was getting some help with a hamstring injury, as I'm getting my knee massaged I get a phone call "hi" I say
"Hello, it's Sarina" she says
"Oh hi Sarina" I say
"How you holding up?" The Dutch woman asks me
"I'm okay, just a bit annoyed" I say
"I know, that's why I'm going to ask you something" she says
"Okay" I say
"Our last camp you played such an important role, you helped the girls to victory. And I know you can't be on the pitch I was wondering if you still wanted to tag along and the physios have said they can do your rehab" she says
"Are you being serious?" I ask
"Of course I am, when am I not serious?" She says and laughs
"Thank you so much Sarina" I say
"So that's a yes?" She asks
"Of course it is" I say
"Don't tell any of the girls. I want it to be a surprise we will send a car out the day after the girls have arrive at SGP" she says
"Thanks" I say

The call ends and I explain to Kim what Sarina had just told me, me and Kim head along to the dining room where all the other girls were. I sit next to Caitlin and Leah was opposite. "How are you?" Caitlin asks
"I'm alright" I say
"Bit pissed off that I can't help you at the London derby. But I'm sure Katie will piss Erin cuthbert off for me" I say and laugh as I knew they were constantly battling each other.
"I will" Katie says
Beth comes over and whispers in my ear "dads on the phone, he's upset. He needs you"
"Where's the phone?" I ask her
She hands me it "hey dad" I say
"Hi sweetie" he says sniffling
"What's up?" I ask
"I'm sorry- I don't mean to be an inconvenience" he says
"Dad, you're not an inconvenience. Talk to me" I say
"I don't mean to lie this all on you" he says starting to cry
"Dad, come on. Talk to me" I say
"I just got back from the hospital" he says crying
"Is everything okay?" I ask starting to get worried
"No" he says and starts crying.
"Shit" I mumble
"What is it?" I ask
"I'll be around for Christmas, I will" he says crying harder
"Dad? What do you mean? What do- Christmas?" I ask, my heart racing quicker. The girls all looking at me. I turn to Beth and she had tears in her eyes.
"Christmas" he repeats.
"Dad stop saying Christmas, what do you mean Christmas?" I ask
"I'm not going to make it after that" he says
My heart stops. "W-w-what?" I ask shakily
"They said, I'll be lucky to make it to February next year" he says, I hear his voice, his eyes everything. But yet it doesn't feel real.
"But- but-no" I say and feel the tears fall down my face.
"I'm sorry kid" he says
"Why- you- but" I say
"I know, it's hard to process. But I'm here now, let's make up the time we lost" he says
"What do you have?" I ask
"Cancer" he says
"O-okay" I say
After a while the call ends. I grab the crutches and walk out.

I sit in the changing rooms and look around, no one was here, it was all silent.

I FaceTime my aunt Mary. "Hey" I say
"Hi" she says and waves
"You've heard?" She questions
I nod "yeah I heard" I say
"I'm sorry sweetie" she says
"Yeah" I say and sniff
"You've got me and Stanley" she says
"I know, god, you look so much like my mum" I say
"Well we were sisters" she says and laughs

We talk for a bit. Before Beth and Viv walk in "you ready to go?" Viv asks
"Yeah". I say

We get to the car and drive home. "Beth? When you going to see dad?"I ask
"Soon" she says and smiles at me.
We get home and go inside. I go straight to my room and get in the bed.
I can hear his voice repeating 'cancer'

I felt my eyes leaking, my heart pounding, i felt the sweat drip off my head, I felt the twist on my knee again, the pain Lauren gave me. The grief my mam left behind, the anger from Beth, the betrayal from Chloe.

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