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Since the euros have officially started we finally have some time off, except from me. I have to carry on with my rehab but I only have to go to Colney two times a week. I'd started to feel slightly better, I went to the game with Amanda.

"Hi darling" she says to me as she picks me up
"Hi Amanda" I say
"Plan is, we drive to the stadium where Jacob and David are at. We meet rosella and Alex and then watch the game, sound okay?" She asks
"Yeah" I say
We drive along the motorway "how is your knee?" She asks
"It's okay I guess, still not ideal though" I say
"Leah told me you were a bit down, but look at it from this perspective you don't have the pressure of a major tournament and you can aim for the World Cup instead" she says
"World Cup is my dream, but so is the euros" I say
"The euros will be back around in your career as well as the World Cup. You might have an injury now but I can promise you, that you will be a better person and player coming out of it. Don't you remember when Leah broke her ankle ages ago, she was fuming just to miss out on friendlies for England. She knows how you feel" Amanda says
"Yeah I guess" I say
We arrive at the stadium to watch England vs Belgium. We had goals from Chloe Kelly, Rachel Daly and an own goal from Evrard. Making us win 3-0. I'm glad I went to the game, it made me feel a bit better. Just to be in the surroundings of thousands of passionate fans.
Flashback ends

Steph messaged me, Caitlin and Kim wondering if we wanted to go on a walk. I hear a knock and open the door Kim and Caitlin were stood next to each other "hey guys" I say
"No crutches?" Kim asks
"Steve told me I need to stop relying on them so much, thought I should try it" I say
"Come on then" Caitlin says as I step out and lock the door.
"Have you spoke to Leah recently?" Kim asks
"No, she's in the middle of a tournament I don't want to distract her" I say
"She's asked about you that's all" Kim says
"She has?" I ask
"Of course she has, she loves you. You should give her a call tonight" Kim says
"Yeah" I say and shrug
"What is it?" Caitlin asks
"I just feel distanced from her and Beth. Like I miss the full thing I just feel like an outsider that's all" I tell them

We see Steph stood in the park with her dog Calvin. "Hey calvy" I say to the fluff.
"Hi" Steph says and hugs me. "Steffy" I say
"How you feeling?" She asks
"Good" I say
We walk around the park and I talk with Steph mostly. Steph had gone to Australia to visit her family whilst she could. She came back about two days ago, which meant she hadn't been in for the last couple weeks of training whilst everyone else was at international. "I missed you" I tell her
"I'm glad" she says and we both laugh
We sit down on the grass and just talk, this was my family.
"Anyone heard from Lia then?" Kim asks
"I haven't, not since the outburst" Caitlin says
"Yeah me neither" Steph says
They all look at me "she messaged me apologising, that was the last time" I say
"When?" Kim questions
"Like last week" I say
"She needed to fucking apologise, especially to you Cait" Steph says
"Not to me, to Katie" Caitlin says
"Where is Katie?" Kim questions
"She's gone to Ireland, to see her family since everyone is there. All of her siblings" Caitlin says
"How many siblings does she have?" I ask
"Ten no eleven no ten wait, no eleven" Caitlin says and we all laugh
My phone starts to ring so I stand up carefully and answer it as I walk away "hi" I say
"Hi" Beth says
She request a FaceTime so I accept it "why the fuck aren't you here, Sarina just told us you could of came with us" Beth says
"I just, I couldn't face it sorry Beth" I say looking down
"You haven't called Leah" she says
"I know, I'm being a shit person. But everything's catching up with me, I just feel so useless right now." I say
"I understand" Beth says
"I just want to be there, to play" I say
"Were you at the game, the Belgium one" she asks
"Yeah I went with Amanda. But rosella needed to get home and she offered me a lift so we went just before the game finished"I explain
"We were sad not to see you" Beth says
"Oh well, I'm sure you have better things to do" I say
"Don't say that, I miss you" Beth says
"Okay" I say and end the call

I walk back over and the girls ask "how's Beth?"
"She's okay" I reply
"Had to go, they have some sort of meeting" I say with a smile
Caitlin's phone beeps and she looks at it, "everything okay?" Kim asks
"Yeah" she says and puts her phone back down

After a while we head home and I post on my story

'First walk without crutches AND got to reunite with my steffy and calvy, lots of love for you guys ❤️'

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'First walk without crutches AND got to reunite with my steffy and calvy, lots of love for you guys ❤️'

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