Feels like the end

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Leah POV

"How long she been like this?" I ask her sister, as we watch Bailey laid in her bed barely moving.
"Yesterday night" Beth replies
"Not eaten, not drank. Probably not slept" Beth says
"I'm really worried" she says and starts to cry. I pull her into me "she will come around, she's just processing everything" I say
"How do you know Leah?" Beth cries
"I don't, but I know Bailey. She wouldn't leave you" I say
Beth leaves and I get next to Bailey. I play with her hair "I know you're probably not listening, but bails I need you. I need you, I can't lose you" I say
"I know everything is hard right now. I know you're dealing with a lot of shit, but if you give in, how will you get back on the pitch? How will you see your dad? Please for me bails" I beg
I rest my head on her shoulder, I fall asleep. I wake up to slight shaking. "Bailey?" I question, I look at her. She was shaking, crying.
"Hey I'm here" I say and sit her up. She leans into me. I put my arm around her. "Everything will be okay bails" I say
"I promise, I'm here for you" I say and kiss her head.
"I fucking love you" I say and kiss her head again
She keeps crying. "Shhh, you will make yourself sick" I say and rock her back and forth.
She starts to calm down, she looks up at me. She looks exhausted. "I- I'm sorry" she whispers
"What for bails? You've done nothing wrong" I say
She looks at me, "I'm letting you go. You shouldn't have to deal with me" she whispers
"Don't be ridiculous bails. I'm never leaving you" I say
"I'll always be here for you" I add
"Please eat something, what do you want?" I ask her
She shrugs her shoulders "toast, fruit?" I question
"Water" she whispers, I lean over for the glass Beth had left. I give it to her and she takes a sip before passing it back.
"Please get some sleep, you look exhausted" I say
I kiss her and she kisses back. I put us both in a position where we are laid down. I still had my arms around her and she was cuddling into the side of me. "Did you mean it?" She whispers
"Mean what?" I ask
"You love me?" She asks
"Of course I do bails. I love you" I say
"I love you" she whispers. A smile forms on my face. "Go to sleep" I say and kiss her forehead and play with her hair.

I wake up to coughing, I see Beth. "Morning" I say
I notice Bailey not in my arms anymore, I hear the shower. "She's up?" I question
"Whatever you did last night thanks" Beth says and runs over and hugs me.
"Actually I'd rather not get on these sheets. God knows what you two have been up to" Beth says making us both laugh.
I get up and change into some clothes of baileys, a Nike grey jumper alongside some leggings and some Nike socks.
She comes out wrapped in her towel. I kiss her, "hey" I say
"Hi" she says. Her eyes glistened.
"I love you" she says
"I love you too" I say and kiss her again.
She pulls me into her bathroom.

She locks the door and pins me against the door she kisses me again, "can we?" She asks
"Yeah" I say
"Quiet though" she whispers against my lips.
She pulls my leggings down and my thong. "You sure?" She asks
"Yeah" I say and take my top off. She takes her towel off, I look her up and down. "Fuck" I say
"Trust me I'm going to" she says and kisses me.
She starts with one finger. "Fuck" I say
"Fuck yes" I say again. "Shhh" she says and kisses me

"What you two doing?" Beth shouts. Bailey keeps going adding another finger, I try so hard to not moan whilst her sister was behind this door. "Just getting ready Beth, having to do Leah's hair" Bailey shouts through
"Alright" Beth says
"Your loving this too much" I say. "Fuck" I moan
She adds another finger. She kisses me. I reach my high and she kisses me but doesn't stop, she keeps going. "Fuck" I say
I reach my second high "you're too good" I moan.
I kiss her again as she takes her fingers out.
I turn her around being careful of her knee, "you sure you can handle standing up?" I ask her with a smirk.
"Might have to sit down" she says and jumps onto the counter. I do the same.

"Yes Leah" she moans loudly
"Shhh" I say and kiss her
"Fuck" she says again. "You alright?" I hear Beth shout
"Yeah" Bailey says
She reaches her high and grips onto my hair.

I kiss her as I put my clothes back on. "To be continued" she says
"You're such a tease" I say and kiss her again.
"Can you get my clothes for me, they are laid next to the washing machine in the kitchen" she says
"Sure" I say
I give her one more kiss before leaving. I go downstairs and see Beth and Viv sat in the kitchen. "You good?" Beth asks
"Yeah" I say
"Where's baileys clothes?" I ask
"Over there" Viv says and points to the washing machine. I grab them and before I can leave Beth says "thought you were getting your hair done. Looks quite messed up"
"Yeah she decided to do her own instead" I say
"And you watched her?" Viv asks
"No I helped her" I say

As I walk out I hear Beth say "definitely sex"
I laugh to myself as I go upstairs and give Bailey her clothes. We go downstairs and into the kitchen. "Nice hair bails" Beth says
"Well I have just came out the shower" Bailey says

"Who we playing next?" Bailey asks
"Chelsea" I say
"Oh yeah, sucks  I'm not going to be able to watch you guys" she says
"Yeah, but didn't Lia say she was going to watch the game with you" Viv says
"Yeah, she said she would." Bailey says

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