What now?

538 17 0

We arrive home and I get in the car with Beth and Viv. We get to their house and we go inside. "I hope it's okay, I've invited Lia Caitlin, Kim, Leah and Katie round?" Beth says
"That's fine" I say
"Good cause they pulled up" Beth says. I go upstairs and change:

I go downstairs and see everyone sat in the living room

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I go downstairs and see everyone sat in the living room. "Beth do you have any milk that's not rotten?" I ask
"Yeah it's in the freezer" she says, freezer? Did I hear that right.
"Freezer?" I question
"Yes" Beth says
I sigh and go into the freezer. "She really did mean freezer huh" I hear someone say. I turn around and see the blond. "I guess" I say
"How the hell am I meant to have my coffee now?" I say
"You'll have to wait a full 24 hours with that" Leah says laughing
"It's a block of milk. What the hell?" I say
"Do you have a spare charger? Beth said you would" Leah asks
"Yeah come on, you can put your phone on charge in my room" I say. We go upstairs and I show her the charger where she plugs her phone in. "When you unpacking?" Leah asks
"Well I'm not staying here forever, so thought there would be no point" I say
"Fair" Leah says
"You sure you're okay?" Leah asks
"I'm just confused" I say
"Like why did Lauren lie to me, but not to the city girls" I say
"Some people are like that" Leah says
"But we were together for six years" I say

"Shit" I say
"What?" Leah asks
"My mam only met Lauren, it's the only girl she knew as my girlfriend. I can't be with anyone else, my mums never met anyone else" I say
"She's met loads of people" Leah says
"Has she though?" I ask
"Of course she has" Leah says

We go back into the living room I take a seat next to Lia. Who looked slightly uncomfortable. "You okay?" I whisper in her ear. Her eyes were glued on her ex girlfriend "yeah" she whispers back and looks at me.
"Right let's play a game" Beth says to the room. We all get on the floor and sit in a circle
"Why have you made this seem like a sleepover from when you're like 12" I say with a laugh.
"Spin the bottle?" Beth suggests
"Hello" Viv says
"It's a peck it's not cheating" Beth says
"But if it lands on me and it's baileys turn she can take another turn I'd rather not kiss my sister thanks" Beth says
"Yeah trust me Viv can keep kissing that" I say laughing

Beth gets a random lucozade bottle and puts it in the middle of the circle, Beth goes first and it lands on Kim. Then Caitlin who landed on Leah. Katie landed on Lia, which was defo awkward. Then Viv and it landed on Caitlin.
It's Leah's turn she spins the bottle and it points at me, she comes over and gives me a small kiss.
I have my go and it lands on Lia, I give her a kiss.

We moved on to playing a question game, everyone got asked questions and you could only use your pass once.  "Katie, Ruesha or Caitlin?" Kim asks
"Defo Caitlin" Katie answers
I look at Lia and see the pain on her eyes. I give her a soft smile.
"Bailey, what did Beth do?" Katie asks. I'd already used my pass fuck.
"Erm" I say and gulp.
"When I was sixteen and Beth was nineteen, I had a girlfriend called Chloe" I start off with
"Chloe was the best. She didn't top Lauren though. But she was staying round mine and I was running late from college as the buses were delayed. I finally got home and walk into Chloe and Beth having sex on the sofa." I let it out.
Everyone's faces changed. "Can I say something, Chloe initiated it" Beth says
"You still did it" I say
"Oh and then, I find out they start dating" I say
The girls faces drop even more, "it was like 10 years ago" Beth says
"For you maybe, not for me. I was in love, she was my first ever proper love. And you ruined that Beth, all because you broke it off with someone" I say
"I'm sorry, it was rebound sex. What more do you want me to say? She ended up being toxic anyway" Beth says
"It shouldn't have been sex. Simple as" I say
"She was there for me not for you. So why the fuck did you need to become horny when my girlfriend was there?"I ask
"She didn't even like you! She said that to your face! She stopped loving you!" Beth says irritated.
"Because of you" I say raising my voice.
"You turned her against me completely. You thought you were in your bad bitch era, more like an era that didn't work for you. Everyone was ashamed of you Beth" I add
"I am ashamed of myself. But get it into your head that once she kisses you it's not that hard to pull away" Beth says
"You move backwards" I say
"Prove it. Show how easy it is" she says
"I have no girlfriend! You were there when she broke up with me!" I say clearly getting annoyed.
"No wonder Lauren cheated on you" she says and becomes quieter when she realises that some of the girls didn't know, I look at her with tears in her eyes. "That's how it is, is it?" I say

I stand up and go upstairs.

I lay in my bed. "Can I come in?" I hear a voice. "Yeah" I reply.
She walks in. The Swiss lies next to me on my bed. "Beth's really annoyed at herself for letting that slip" Lia says
"I don't care, I knew I shouldn't be trusting her" I say
"I don't know what to think anymore. Everything's so clouded over" I say
"Wanna talk?" Lia asks
"Well now you know the situation about Lauren a bit better, I guess you can take a guess" I say
"Yeah well you also know the situation with Caitlin, she did the same" Lia explains
"We are literally two heartbroken single women and we are still in love with the people who broke our hearts" I say and we both laugh.
"I'm trying to focus on myself but I just can't" I say
"I know, me too. You've still got a long way to go, I'm still not over her" Lia says
I laugh and say "well yeah"
"But did you keep anything from Caitlin. I have an idea?" I say
"I kept one of her hoodies" Lia says.
"Okay, meet me at 11 tomorrow, here" I say
"Okay, what are we doing?" She asks
"Bring the hoodie, I promise it'll be good" I say
"Okay" she says

We go downstairs and I say to the girls "sorry"
"What for. I messed up not you" Beth says, I ignore her. I look at Lia and she says "stay at mine tonight, give you all some space"
"Yeah, I'm staying at lias tonight" I say
I see Caitlin's face turn. I look at Leah and she looks at me unimpressed.
"Right so we are going to go" I say as the silence becomes louder.

Me and Lia get in her car.

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