Press conference

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"Sarina how are you planning on heading into the game? What is your main tactic?" The reporter from BBC asks.
"The same as every other game we've played, keep focused, remain calm. We know how Spain play, we just need to keep our heads on heading into tomorrows game" Sarina answers
"Have you thought about the lineup yet?" The same reporter asks
"Yes, I've got a couple players who started last game starting again tomorrow. But we've also got some players who started on the bench starting tomorrow" she says
"Is one of them possibly Bailey?" He asks and I look at Sarina.
"I don't know we will have to see" she answers

"Bailey, going into tomorrow's game and being such a young player does that put much pressure onto you?" The reporter from ITV asks
"I don't think it matters what age you are, everyone deals with pressure differently. It puts pressure on everybody, although I'm a new face in the squad it doesn't add extra pressure on me. Because Sarina reminds me that I wouldn't be here if I wasn't good enough and therefore I'm just proving to my teammates that I'm good enough to be here, rather than stress about it" I say
"Playing such a defensive team, does that scare you considering you're a forward?" She asks
"It doesn't scare me, the team and I have been preparing for this game. So no it doesn't scare me, we just have to keep it on board that they can counter attack within seconds so we have to make sure we stay in form and stay calm and focused" I say
I take a sip of the water.
"Bailey, you're a younger player in the squad. How does it feel being the youngest player and having players like Lucy bronze and Rachel Daly around you?" Another reporter asks.
"It's inspirational because you learn a lot more from them because they have that element of experience. I only really have club football experience, and now lionesses. Coming into the squad I really clicked with Lucy because she likes to make people feel welcomed. I clicked with all the girls, but I think on the pitch me and Georgia have clicked because we manage to link up, as you saw on the game against Northern Ireland" I say
"Sarina, why did you put faith in Bailey?" Another reporter asks
"I've watched Bailey for quite a while, since she was at Manchester City and then she made the move to arsenal. She played against her old team so professionally not letting her get herself in her head. I saw the way her sister Beth played and how they had a connection on the pitch, I knew I needed her in the upcoming squad" Sarina says
"There has been a plague of ACL injuries recently. If there were any ACL'S to happen that would affect the lionesses squad, are you willing to bring in younger players?" Another reporter asks
"I think so, but at the minute we don't have any issues surrounding that" she says

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