chapter 16

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Annalei's pov

  After a few drinks Rut and I found our way over to the dance floor and thats when I saw Nova lean closer towards Luca's face, she kissed him. "RUTGER holy shit look at my brother and Nova" I say. "Oh my god.I need a picture of this" Rut says reaching for his phone. "They are so so so cuteeee"  I say. "I know I am happy he found a good one" Rut says. "I am so glad they finally confessed their feelings, they are literally perfect for each other" I say looking at a very happy Nova and Luca.

  Around two in the morning everyone slowly starts to leave. "Hey Anna are you coming back to my place or are we staying here for the night or going to your dorm?" Rut asked me. "Probably just stay here, I mean you have your room here that we only really use for parties or when we just stay over here." I say. "True, I think it's better if we just stay here anyway." Rut says. Luca, Nova, Rut, and I all decided to stay here for tonight due to how late it is. "Goodnight y'all, I am tired as shit and I am also extremely drunk right now and it will be best if I just go to sleep so Goodnight everyone I love you" I say pretty much announcing to the whole house that I was going to sleep. "I am following right behind Anna." Rut says, followed by a good night and then we get a ton of good nights in response. Once we get up to our room I grab the pair of clothes that Rut had left on the bed for me and walk to the bathroom. I get undressed and then get changed. I then brush my teeth and hair then I hear a knock. "Come in Rut" I say. The door opens and to no surprise it's Rut. I grab my face wash from the drawer that has my name on it and before I can open the bottle Rut grabs it out of my hand and puts it off to the side, washes his hand and then grabs the bottle and starts applying it to mine and his face. He loves for me to wash his face when we are drunk so I put my hands on his face and start rubbing it in. I grab the wash rag and scrub his face gently to get the soap off, I let him do the same to me. We walk back to the bed and I fall asleep almost immediately. "Good night Rut, I love you" I say half asleep. "Good night Anna, I love you" Rut replies before we both drift off to sleep .

YAYAYAYAY someone finally made an update and it was me!! also i want to remind yall to stay happy healthy and drink water i love you alllll

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