3. Sealed Fates

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As Seokjin stepped out of the carriage and gazed upon the imposing facade of the Palace, a wave of bittersweet nostalgia washed over him. This place, once a sanctuary where he and Taehyung had dared to dream, now served as a stark reminder of all he had lost. Each stone and pillar held echoes of their laughter and whispered promises, now shattered by the cruel hand of fate.

Beside him, his father emerged from the carriage, bearing a veil in his hands. With a hushed command, he instructed Seokjin to don the veil and show himself with dignity. Seokjin complied, veiling himself from the world's prying eyes as he followed his father with his head bowed low.

As they entered the Royal Court, a hushed murmur swept through the room, the whispers of the courtiers like a haunting melody. Despite the veil obscuring his face and his gaze fixed upon the ground, Seokjin could sense the weight of their scrutiny, the unspoken judgment that hung heavy in the air.

Though he could not see him, Seokjin could feel Jungkook's presence on the throne as his vanilla scent was now bitter due to his nervousness.

Each member took their designated place, their presence a testament to the weight of responsibility that hung heavy in the air. As discussions unfolded, veiled whispers of grief and determination filled the space, punctuated by the occasional nod of solemn agreement.

After the requisite formalities had been observed, Joonwoo rose from his seat with a respectful bow, seeking permission from the esteemed King's Advisor, Jung Hoseok, whose nod granted him leave to address the assembly. With measured poise, Joonwoo began to speak, his words carrying the weight of conviction.

"Prince Jungkook, now our esteemed King," he began, his tone reverent yet resolute, "should find his mate in my son, Kim Seokjin. His suitability for the Crown surpasses all others."

His suggestion met with disapproving glances from the opposing Park family, their dissent palpable in the air. As tension simmered, Jungkook's scent of vanilla spiked with nervousness.

A representative from the Park family rose in defiance, his voice ringing out with the opposition. "Your son is not pure and of elder years than his Majesty. It is my son who should stand beside him, having just reached the cusp of manhood."

Undeterred, Joonwoo pressed his case with steadfast resolve. "Your son lacks the wisdom of the Crown, whereas Seokjin possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience. His Majesty requires a guiding hand, one which Seokjin can provide. And had youth been the sole consideration, I would have suggested my younger son instead," he asserted, his words silencing the dissenting voice of the Park representative.

In agreement, Jung Hoseok interjected with regal authority. "Kim Joonwoo speaks truth. His Majesty requires guidance, and Seokjin is eminently suited to provide it."

Turning his gaze to Jungkook's mother, Jung Hoseok sought her opinion with due deference. "What do you say, Your Highness?" he inquired, awaiting her response with bated breath.

"I concur with Kim Joonwoo," she replied quietly.

As her Highness silently signaled her agreement, a heavy silence settled over the court, stifling any further objections. A bitter taste lingered in the air, a reminder of the discord that simmered beneath the surface.

Jungkook, ill-equipped to navigate the intricacies of courtly politics, remained silent. Thus, it was declared: that Jungkook would wed his brother's intended mate, something that filled him with conflicting emotions. Fear gnawed at his insides, while guilt and apprehension clouded his thoughts.


Jungkook sat in the Royal garden, the burden of the news settling heavy on his shoulders. His heart pounded against his ribs like a drumbeat echoing in his ears. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes, but he held them back, not wanting to show weakness.

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