4. Mixed Feelings

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Writing this chapter took a mental toll on me but here's the final result!


As the door to Taehyung's chamber creaked open in response to gentle knocks, Seokjin stirred from his fitful slumber, tears still staining his cheeks from the overwhelming grief that had consumed him.

Turning his gaze toward the door, Seokjin's eyes met the familiar face of his soon-to-be advisor, Min Yoongi. At that moment, a sense of relief washed over him as in the absence of Taehyung, Yoongi is his reliable figure.

As Yoongi beheld the desolation etched upon Seokjin's countenance, a pang of sorrow gripped his own heart. Seokjin, once radiant and endearing, now stood before him as a mere shadow of his former self - the vibrant soul that thrived on affection had been replaced by a fractured being.

Seokjin's need for comfort and reassurance was palpable as he rushed into Yoongi's embrace, tears flowing freely. In the midst of his sobs, he implored, "Where have you been?" He choked out, his voice laced with desperation. "I needed you. It is difficult to bear the burden of being the reliable one," his voice muffled against Yoongi's shoulder.

With a gentle touch, Yoongi soothed Seokjin's trembling form, offering what solace he could in the absence of Taehyung's calming presence. Though unable to replicate Taehyung's unique way of comforting Seokjin, Yoongi tried to provide whatever comfort he could.

"I journeyed to retrieve His Majesty's ashes," Yoongi disclosed softly, his voice heavy with the weight of sorrow. Seokjin recoiled at the mention, his heart clenching with anguish at the thought of Taehyung's tragic fate. "The devastation was beyond comprehension - charred remains and unrecognizable forms," Yoongi continued, his eyes reflecting the anguish of witnessing such horror.

Seokjin sought refuge in Yoongi's embrace, tears flowing freely as he grieved for his lost beloved. When Yoongi presented the vessel containing Taehyung's ashes, Seokjin's heart shattered anew, overwhelmed by the magnitude of his loss.

Witnessing Jin's heart-wrenching cry, Yoongi handled the precious vessel with utmost care.

After securing Taehyung's remains in a safe place, Yoongi led Seokjin to the bed in Taehyung's room.

Seated beside Seokjin, Yoongi clasped Jin's hand in his own, offering a gentle caress to soothe the turmoil within. "It's a cruel fate they've dealt you with, forcing you to mate with that boy," he lamented, his frustration evident in his sigh. "He's hardly fit to rule, constantly in need of guidance. What you need right now is someone dependable, not a mere child like him," Yoongi voiced his exasperation.

"I wish I could have intervened, but I don't understand why Hoseok didn't oppose it," he continued, his brow furrowed with confusion. Seokjin drew a deep breath, steeling himself to respond. "Hoseok believes it's for the greater good. We cannot forsake our nation's stability for the sake of one person's grief," Jin explained a hint of resignation in his tone. "The suffering of our people outweighs any personal sorrow," he added solemnly.

Hearing Jin's resolve, Yoongi let out a defeated sigh.

Gazing at Seokjin, Yoongi felt the ache of witnessing a once carefree Omega transform into a mature soul burdened by responsibility. The realization pained Yoongi, knowing that Taehyung, if present, would have shielded Jin from the harsh realities, cocooning him in love and pampering.

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