14. Captive

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For those who believed Taehyung is still alive, y'all are quite creative, but I'm not that sharp haha.

Trigger Warning!


The Day The King Died.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Taehyung and his soldiers embarked on the journey back to their kingdom. The negotiations had been arduous, but they had succeeded in securing the alliance with the neighboring monarch, despite his initial resistance. Taehyung, ever composed, had navigated the delicate negotiations with grace, refusing to be ruffled by the other king's attempts to provoke him.

As they rode homeward, Taehyung's thoughts drifted to his beloved Seokjin. The longing to be reunited with his Omega filled his heart, and he yearned for the comforting embrace awaiting him at home.

For Taehyung, home was not just a place; it was the warmth of Seokjin's presence, the safety and solace found in their bond. Despite the challenges he faced in his duties, with Seokjin by his side, the world seemed to slow down, offering respite from the relentless pace of royal life.

In the quiet serenity of the forest, Taehyung sought comfort by the tranquil stream. Stripping away the weight of his armor and responsibilities, he immersed himself in the cool embrace of the water. As the gentle currents enveloped him, washing away the weariness of his journey, he found a fleeting moment of rest.

With closed eyes, Taehyung reveled in the memories of his beloved Seokjin, picturing the radiant smile that never failed to brighten his days. In his hands, he cradled a delicate hairpin, a token of his affection purchased from the neighboring kingdom - a testament to his longing to see Seokjin's face light up with joy.

Lost in the soothing embrace of the water, time seemed to slip away unnoticed. When at last he emerged, refreshed and renewed, he draped a towel around his shoulders, the droplets glistening like jewels in the sunlight. With a contented sigh, he dressed once more, the weight of his armor replaced by a sense of tranquility.

As he made his way back to the tent where his soldiers are resting, Taehyung carried with him the lingering echoes of the forest's embrace, ready to face the challenges that awaited him with renewed vigor.

As Taehyung approached the tent, a furrow formed on his brow, his confusion deepening with each step. The sight that greeted him was one of devastation - the tent, once a place of rest for his soldiers, now stood as a charred husk against the backdrop of the forest. His eyes widened in disbelief, but he maintained his composure, steeling himself for what lay ahead.

Entering the tent, Taehyung was met with a scene of horror. The acrid smell of smoke hung heavy in the air as he surveyed the carnage before him. His heart sank as he beheld the charred remains of his comrades, their bodies twisted and contorted by the flames. Closing his eyes briefly, he offered a silent prayer for their souls, a solemn tribute to their unwavering loyalty.

But amidst the ashes and ruin, Taehyung noticed something amiss. The wounds inflicted upon his fallen soldiers were not merely the result of the fire's fury - they bore the unmistakable marks of violence, each body marred by the cruel bite of a blade. His senses sharpened as he realized the true nature of the attack - the fire is a mere facade to conceal a far more sinister truth.

With a steely resolve, Taehyung scanned the surroundings, his instincts alert to the presence of danger lurking in the shadows. The attacker, it seemed, was still among them, their nefarious intentions veiled behind a cloak of darkness. As the gravity of the situation dawned upon him, Taehyung knew that he must remain vigilant, for the enemy could strike again at any moment.

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