6. Changes

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As Seokjin slumped unconscious, Jungkook's heart raced with panic, his emotions swirling in a chaotic mix. Rushing to prevent Seokjin from collapsing, he caught him in his arms, his grip firm yet gentle. With urgency in his eyes, Jungkook turned to see Yoongi hurrying towards them, mirroring his concern.

"What has befallen him?" Jungkook's voice trembled with anxiety as he sought answers from Yoongi. After a brief examination, Yoongi sighed, his expression grave. "He fainted from exhaustion, having foregone sleep entirely last night," he explained, his tone tinged with worry. Jungkook's guilt surged, realizing the extent of Seokjin's suffering.

"You must transport him to your chamber at once. I shall summon the Royal physician," Yoongi instructed, hastening away to fulfill his duty. With determination, Jungkook cradled Seokjin in his arms, carrying him towards the sanctuary of their shared quarters, with Hoseok trailing close behind.

During the journey, as he beheld Seokjin's serene face up close for the first time, Jungkook found himself entranced by his beauty. The delicate sweep of his long eyelashes against his cheeks, the gentle curve of his plush lips forming a subtle pout, and the pink hue on his cheeks - each detail seemed to captivate Jungkook in an inexplicable way.

Upon reaching their quarters, Hoseok assisted in opening the door, allowing Jungkook to enter with Seokjin cradled in his arms. Gently, Jungkook laid Seokjin on the bed, tenderly arranging the covers around him. His heart raced with guilt as he brushed a stray lock of hair from Seokjin's forehead. Witnessing Seokjin in such a state only deepened Jungkook's remorse, knowing he bore responsibility for causing him distress. Yet, despite his suffering, Seokjin remained steadfast in his duties - a stark contrast to Jungkook's own shortcomings.

Moments later, Yoongi entered the room, accompanied by the Royal Physician and a young attendant who appeared to be an Omega. Gesturing toward Jungkook, they silently indicated that he should temporarily vacate the room. Reluctantly, Jungkook complied, stepping outside to wait anxiously.

After the examination concluded, Jungkook returned to the chamber, eyes scanning the room. He noticed a collection of herbs arranged neatly on the side table. Observing Seokjin lying beneath the covers, dressed in more comfortable attire, Jungkook's heart swelled with gratitude for the care being provided.

Seated beside Seokjin's slumbering form, Jungkook's gaze fixated on the mark he had left upon Seokjin's neck. His fingers absently traced the smooth skin of his neck, bereft of any corresponding mark. Conflicted emotions swirled within him, uncertain and tumultuous.

Once, he had harbored a desire to see a similar mark adorning Namjoon's neck - a longing that now only served to wound him further.

Despite the difficulty of the realization, Jungkook acknowledged the stark reality before him. He could no longer evade his responsibilities, not when they were so entwined with Seokjin's well-being. With a heavy heart, he resolved to confront the complexities of his situation, if only for Seokjin's sake.

As Seokjin stirred from his slumber, his gaze met Jungkook's concerned eyes, momentarily startling him. Despite his surprise, Seokjin chose to remain silent, offering no words of inquiry or explanation. Sensing the need for action, Jungkook rose swiftly from his seat, retrieving a glass and filling it with water from a nearby jar. With a gentle hand, he extended the glass to Seokjin, who accepted it gratefully, sitting up to quench his thirst with a single gulp.

Taking his place beside Seokjin once more, Jungkook spoke softly, relaying the physician's instructions regarding the herbs left for Seokjin's consumption. "Would you like me to summon the servants to bring you some broth?" he inquired, his tone filled with genuine concern.

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