8. Beneath The Surface

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Thirty-seven days had passed since Jungkook and Seokjin's marriage, a duration deemed lengthy in the realm of expectations surrounding royal matrimony. In the aristocratic circles, the absence of news regarding conception after twenty-one days was a cause for concern, often leading to finger-pointing and blame.

Despite the circumstances of their mating night, wherein Seokjin's compatibility with Jungkook was called into question, some courtiers disregarded such nuances, fixating solely on the absence of an Heir to the throne.

The pressure mounted as inquiries and accusations were directed at Hoseok and Yoongi, who bore the brunt of the court's impatience.

Today, a formidable duo, comprising Jungkook's mother and Seokjin's father, graced the South wing with their presence. Seated before Seokjin, they scrutinized him with a mixture of anger, disappointment, and concern.

"Why have we not received news of conception?" inquired the former Queen, her tone laced with a subtle edge of reproach as she delicately sipped her tea. Setting the cup down with calculated assertiveness, she continued, "We were assured of your suitability by your father, yet you have proven barren," her gaze piercing through Seokjin with disapproval.

Joonwoo, Seokjin's father, bowed his head in silent remorse, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. Despite the implicit accusation, Seokjin maintained a composed demeanor, his response measured and diplomatic. "Your Highness, such terms are unduly harsh," he countered with a calm resolve. "At present, His Majesty and I are diligently working on nurturing our relationship, a luxury we were not afforded prior," he added, striving to assert his position with dignity.

However, Joonwoo's gaze lifted, his tone stern as he interjected, "You should do well to expedite your efforts," a directive echoed by the former Queen's scoff of disapproval. "My mate and I never had time for all that, yet I gave birth to two Alphas," she remarked.

Unperturbed by their skepticism and impatience, Seokjin politely but firmly dismissed them. "Your Highness, I have a prior engagement with His Majesty. Please excuse me," he stated, rising from his seat, his gesture signifying an end to the conversation, even if tinged with a hint of defiance.

Yoongi inwardly rolled his eyes at the former Queen's words, maintaining his composure as Seokjin gracefully rose from his seat and strode toward the stairs. With a respectful bow to the room's occupants, Yoongi followed Seokjin, leaving behind the surprised gazes of the two.

In Seokjin's chambers, a frustrated sigh escaped Seokjin's lips, drawing Jimin's concerned attention. "What ails you?" Jimin inquired, but Seokjin brushed off the question with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Best left unspoken," he replied, sinking into the plush cushions of his couch. Jimin turned to Yoongi, silently seeking an explanation.

With a knowing glance, Yoongi divulged the situation. "Her Highness and Mr. Kim pressuring him for an Heir," he disclosed. Jimin groaned audibly. "These elders," he lamented, shaking his head as he approached the window.

Peering outside, Jimin gasped softly, "Magnificent," under his breath. Jin and Yoongi exchanged amused looks, Yoongi responding with a subtle roll of his eyes. Intrigued, Seokjin joined them at the window, observing Jungkook below, clad in trousers suitable for training with no top. Though accustomed to Jungkook's attire, today it seemed to captivate Seokjin more than usual due to Jimin's remark.

The sight of Jungkook's finely sculpted physique stirred something within him, prompting an involuntary gulp. His eyes lingered on the defined contours of Jungkook's physique, a sudden heat rising to his cheeks.

Seokjin stood transfixed, his gaze fixed on Jungkook below, his mouth slightly agape as he watched with rapt attention. The fluidity of Jungkook's movements as he skillfully dodged his opponent's attacks, the strength evident in his muscled arms as he grappled with his opponent, the sheen of sweat glistening on his skin - each detail seemed to captivate Seokjin more than the last.

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