7. Worries

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I have officially reached the part of my writing process where I start to question the pace of story.


As the days passed, the vibrant hues of autumn began to wane, giving way to a subtle shift in the landscape. The once lush foliage now bore hues of amber and gold, hinting at the impending arrival of winter. The crisp bite of the air grew sharper with each passing day, signaling the onset of colder months ahead.

Seokjin and Jungkook's marriage had endured for thirty-six days, a period marked by gradual change and adjustment. Though their bond had yet to deepen significantly, they found solace in each other's company. Seokjin, ever the patient teacher, devoted his time to imparting knowledge of courtly affairs and kingly duties to Jungkook. Through his guidance, Jungkook's confidence flourished, and he found himself more adept at engaging in conversations without succumbing to panic.

His tutelage extended beyond the court, incorporating physical exercises to bolster Jungkook's confidence. Since, Jungkook tends to enjoy them more.

Meanwhile, Seokjin navigated the ebbs and flows of grief following Taehyung's passing. While moments of despair still gripped him, he persevered with a quiet strength, finding support in the presence of his trusted companions. Yoongi, Jimin, and Namjoon stood by his side, offering comfort and reassurance during his darkest hours.

Despite the absence of romantic feelings towards Jungkook, Seokjin found himself drawn to his mate's presence, craving his companionship in moments of solitude. Yet, their nights remained separate, with Jungkook retreating to his art room to find comfort in his creativity.

Seokjin, burdened by the persistent ache in his abdomen and the throbbing of his mating mark, chose to endure his pain in silence, unwilling to burden Jungkook with his suffering. He allowed Jungkook to choose his own sleeping quarters, believing that the younger couldn't bear too much at once.

The subtle transformation in Seokjin's routines was apparent, noticeable even in the details of his attire. Jungkook, observant of these changes, questioned the sudden use of scent blockers, reminding Seokjin of his privileged status as the King's mate exempt from such practices. One day, as they conversed, Jungkook broached the topic of scent blockers. "Why do you wear them, Hyung?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Seokjin's response, however, was curt and veiled with a vulnerability he chose not to expose."I find myself more at ease without my scent lingering," he offered, deflecting further inquiries with a nonchalant tone.

The once impeccably draped Hanbok, a symbol of regality, now draped more loosely on Seokjin. Even during bathing, he sought solitude, relinquishing the assistance of his attendants.

Currently, seated in the grand hall of the Palace's South Wing, the trio-Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi - convened to address the pressing issue plaguing the Kingdom to Jungkook.

"Regarding the issue of the wells running dry," Hoseok began, his voice echoing in the solemn chamber.

Jungkook, attentive to the matter at hand, turned his gaze toward the assembled group. "Have we dispatched a team to investigate the cause behind the water shortage?" he inquired, his tone measured yet authoritative.

"I have instructed Yoongi to assemble a team for the search," Seokjin responded, casting a reassuring glance at Yoongi.

"Indeed, Your Majesty, the team is already in the field, scouring the surrounding areas for answers," Yoongi confirmed with a respectful nod.

As they wrapped up discussions on ongoing issues and strategies to address them, Jungkook's keen observation detected a weighty concern lingering in Seokjin's demeanor.

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