10. Bonds

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Exams are over, but I can't guarantee daily updates. This chapter really drained me during proofreading. Ended up scrapping it and rewriting it from scratch at the last minute.


As Namjoon turned his gaze, Jungkook advanced, casting a brief glance at Hoseok, who had already been briefed on the matter and offered a reassuring nod. Now, facing Namjoon directly, a sudden clarity washed over Jungkook, illuminating the root of his uncertainty. Namjoon's countenance no longer elicited any stirring within him; it was as though Namjoon had transitioned from a pivotal figure to a mere acquaintance or close companion.

As Namjoon turned back, Jungkook stepped forward, his gaze shifting to Hoseok for reassurance. With a nod from his trusted advisor, Jungkook's attention returned to Namjoon. Yet, as he looked upon the king's face, a peculiar calm washed over him, dispelling the uncertainty that had clouded his thoughts.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" Namjoon inquired, his voice steady.

Summoning his courage, Jungkook took a deep breath. "I've been wrestling with uncertainty," he confessed. "My feelings for Seokjin Hyung grew, but thoughts of you lingered."

Namjoon nodded in understanding. "And now, when you look at me, you feel... nothing?" he queried.

Jungkook offered a hesitant nod, a weight lifting from his shoulders at the honesty of their exchange.

With a knowing smile, Namjoon shared his own experience. "I, too, grappled with similar feelings," he admitted. "But I chose to focus on the present, on the person by my side."

As Namjoon's words sank in, Jungkook felt a wave of relief cascade over him, dispelling his lingering uncertainty. With newfound clarity, he realized the importance of focusing on the present and the person beside him.

His smile radiant with gratitude, Jungkook addressed Namjoon, "You're correct. How foolish I was not to see it before. Thank you."

Namjoon returned the smile, but before he could respond, Yoongi's urgent voice shattered the moment. "Your Majesty, another arson attack has occurred. We've apprehended a suspect," he announced, drawing Jungkook's attention.

Turning to behold Seokjin standing beside Yoongi, his expression impassive, Jungkook's heart clenched with concern. "We must interrogate him," Seokjin declared, his tone devoid of emotion.

With a nod of understanding, Jungkook and Hoseok bid Namjoon farewell, their strides purposeful as they made their way to the North wing of the Palace where the dungeon awaited.

As they arrived at the North wing, a guard greeted them with a bow and opened the door to the basement. Rushing downstairs, they hastened towards the prisons, urgency propelling their steps. Upon reaching the dungeon, another guard respectfully unlocked the gate to the prison cells and guided them towards the detained individual.

The man, visibly distressed, rose to his knees upon their arrival, beseeching Jungkook with tearful pleas. "Your Majesty, I implore you to spare me. I was coerced!" he cried out, his anguish palpable. His attire, although worn and tattered, suggested origins from the kingdom's outskirts.

Jungkook's eyebrows shot up at the sight of the man kneeling before them, his face buried in the ground. "Explain yourself," he demanded, his voice resonating with authority, causing the man to quiver in fear. "Your Majesty, I was coerced!" the man wailed, his desperation palpable.

Seokjin, sensing the need for clarity, stepped forward, his demeanor commanding respect. "What is your name?" he inquired firmly, his gaze piercing.

The trembling man dared to glance up, noticing the regal attire of Seokjin that marked him as the King's mate. Struggling to articulate his words through tears, he stammered, "Hyun."

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