15. Bound Devotion

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Apologies for the delay in updating; I've been busy with assignments, journal writing, and case studies as the academic year is wrapping up.


As the sword's blade pierced through Eunho's abdomen, a gush of blood erupted from his mouth, his eyes widening in shock and agony. The crimson fluid splattered onto Seokjin, causing him to recoil, his eyes clamping shut in revulsion as he shuddered, fighting the urge to retch. With a heavy thud, Eunho collapsed to the ground, his body convulsing in its final moments.

At the sound of the impact, Seokjin cautiously peeled open his eyes, revealing Jungkook standing before him, his sword stained with blood, his expression wrought with determination, his jaw clenched and eyes brimming red. However, upon meeting Seokjin's tear-filled gaze, Jungkook's countenance softened, and he lowered his weapon, allowing it to fall to his side.

With all strength drained from his body, Seokjin crumpled, tears streaming down his cheeks as he sobbed uncontrollably, his honey-scented distress filling the air. Without hesitation, Jungkook enveloped his Omega in a tender embrace, offering solace and reassurance.

Amidst Seokjin's tearful hiccups, he murmured, "You came," burying his face in Jungkook's chest, seeking solace in his Alpha's comforting scent. Jungkook's heart swelled with affection as he gently cupped Seokjin's face, guiding him to meet his gaze, his eyes radiating warmth and love.

"I will explain everything, Hyung," Jungkook assured, his voice a soothing melody. "But first, let me take you home." With gentle care, he lifted Seokjin into his arms, cradling him in a bridal embrace. Seokjin's heart fluttered at the gesture, but his gaze flickered to Eunho's lifeless form, prompting him to press closer to Jungkook's chest, seeking refuge in the rhythmic beat of his Alpha's heart.

Jungkook emerged from the weathered cabin, Seokjin cradled in his arms, and surveyed the desolate surroundings. Seokjin's gaze drifted to the former Queen, restrained by rope and flanked by two guards, her demeanor resigned. With a steely glare, Jungkook strode purposefully toward her, his jaw set in determination.

"Allow her one final glimpse of her son's lifeless form," Jungkook commanded the guards, his voice resonating with authority, the once steady aroma of vanilla now infused with a fiery intensity. The former Queen dissolved into tears as the guards ushered her toward the cabin, her sobs echoing through the air.

Seokjin bit his lip, his heart heavy as he observed the scene unfolding before him. Overwhelmed by the weight of the moment, he felt a numbness settle over his mind.

Turning away from the somber scene, Jungkook proceeded toward the waiting carriage, carefully lowering Seokjin into its confines with a tender touch.

Jungkook ensured Seokjin was settled comfortably in the carriage, carefully draping a shawl over him to keep him warm. As he prepared to depart, he felt a gentle tug on his Hanbok sleeve, halting his movements. Turning to face Seokjin's inquisitive gaze, Jungkook was met with wide, innocent eyes filled with curiosity.

"Where are you going?" Seokjin's voice was soft, laced with concern.

"Hyung, I apologize, but this carriage is meant for only one person," Jungkook explained, his hand gently tracing the small wound on Seokjin's forehead. "Besides, we are just two hours away from the Palace," he added, watching as confusion clouded Seokjin's expression, searching for answers in the Alpha's eyes.

"We are not..." Seokjin trailed off, but Jungkook finished his thought, "at the border," he clarified. "Eunho deliberately misled us, intending to confuse us. Apparently, he struck you on the head when you were an hour away from the Palace," Jungkook elaborated, offering insight into their situation. Hearing this, Seokjin winced as he recalled a blur memory from last night.

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