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My name is Beatrice. Beatrice Prior. I am seventeen years old and have just moved with my family. My family consist by my abusive father, Andrew. My loving mother, Nathalie and then my twin brother Caleb.

My father recently got a promotion at work. He now works directly under the mayor, Marcus Eaton.

In the process he snatched me and Caleb's life up and it was time for yet another move. This time from California to Chicago. During mine and Caleb's seventeen years we had moved immense times because our parents job. We manage to never more than finding new friends and catch up our homework before it's time for another move. Andrew is as you understand working in the politics and our mother is a well-known jewellery designer. And with that said I guess you al can know we have a lot of money.

But now Caleb and I are tired of moving. Nathalie is rarely home so she doesn't care where we live. She is my mother and she doesn't even know what he will do to me behind everyone's back. Andrew would never lay a finger on Caleb. He is the good son where as I am the bad daughter.

If I do something he dislikes I got a taste of the bittersweet feeling of the belt on my back or sometimes things so much worse.

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