Her Name Was Tris

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What the hell just happened? Edward grabbed the girl with no name's arm and she hit him right in the jaw. Right now Peter's gang is screaming at her and she did not even seem to notice. Suddenly silenced all sounds when the headmaster's voice can be heard

"Beatrice Prior to my office. Beatrice Prior" So that's her name. Beatrice. Wait ... her dad work together with my dad then. My thoughts are interrupted by her fearful eyes. It's no big deal. It's only the principal?

She gets up slowly and walks out of the dining room. But before she comes out of the door, she is stopped by the blond guy who was with her yesterday. Must be her brother. I see him he raises his voice and lecturing her, but I cannot hear what he says

"What's her problem? First, she does not answer simple questions in class, then she disses us to sit with Peter's gang and now she hits one of his buddies, there's something wrong with her" Christina gripes.

"Maybe she just is not got the right start in life?" Marlene suggests, she is always the one trying to see everything on the bright side, or find a solution to a problem.

The time signaling that lunch is over rings and it's time for English. The lesson we all have in common and I thought Christina said on our first lesson that she and the girl with no name.... Beatrice was her name had the same schedule, so she will be there too. But it wills also Lauren. Urge. Why am I with Lauren?

It's not exactly that I love her. I did it one time. But not anymore. She became too demanding; all she wants to do is have sex. I want a relationship where you can talk, discuss and have fun in each other's company.

When we go to English class and sat down at our regular tables and Mrs. Johnson started the class door opened and Beatrice stands in the doorway

"Why are you late?" requires Mrs. Johnson to know

"The headmaster called me" she replied in an aggressive tone

"Well, sit at Christina's table then"

Beatrice nodded and sat down opposite me

"Hey," I heard Uriah and Zeke say along to her. They are the second twins in our gang, they look almost the same, dark complexion, dark brown hair, brown eyes, but Uriah is a bit shorter than Zeke and Zeke are longer and narrower.

"Why are you talking to me?" she hisses to the guys who Rygar back, I do not think anyone spoken to them in this way

"We just want to be your friend" answers Marlene for her boyfriend. She and Uriah have been together for a year and a half now

"My friend? Why would you voluntarily want to be my friend?"

"You seem cool" says Lynn entirely commonplace

"I'm not. You do not want to be my friend, trust me" answers Beatrice

"But Beatrice ..." Zeke began before he was interrupted

"Do not call me Beatrice!"

"What shall we call you then? Wondering Shauna


Tris, it suited her, badass and aggressive.

The lesson was quickly over and I had now gym with Will, Uriah and Zeke. Shauna and Marlene had free time and Christina, Lynn and now Tris had geography.


When we came out of the gym, the school was finally over and we would go home. In the parking lot we stop when we catch sight of a dark red Ferrari and Tris sitting on the hood and talking on the phone.

We look at each other and go up to her, but when we get closer we stop dead in our tracks when we hear parts of her conversation

"Sam ... It has gotten worse," she says into the phone. I wonder who it here Sam is. Is that her boyfriend? A wave of jealousy washes over me as I do not want anyone else to have her. But would I even want her?

"Sam, baby ... you do not understand ... I cannot do it. It happened exactly the same things as when I first came to California," she says

So she comes from California. The same things when she moved there? How many times have the girl moved?

"What do you think she's talking about?" asks Zeke

"Do not know" answers Uriah and we do not have time to reflect long about it either

"Damn, I'm late home. Now it will be even worse, and I need to tell you that I got sent to the principal's office, plus Andrews food will be late ... I'm going to get it tonight. I'll call you, I love you babe "she says into the phone. She hangs up and piling into the car and drive away.

"What will she get?" Will asks

"I have no idea", I answer while I jump into my black Porches and head for home.

Can You Save Me? *UNDER EDITING*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora