Trying To Let Them In

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When I woke up I was reached by a terrible pain in his back. Memories of yesterday came flying back to me. I had done Andrew angry. I had been called to the principal's office. And I was sure everyone who tried to talk to me yesterday hated me now.

I stood up slowly and walked into my white pinkish bathroom, I was looking through the bathroom cabinet til I found relief. My razor blade. I took it out and fell to the floor. I pulled two deep wounds on left arm and decided to take a shower so the drying blood on my back could disappear.

After my shower, I went into my closet and decided on a pair of black skinny jeans. A red T-shirt with a thin pressure of a black heart and the text "Leave me alone," I took my black scarf around his neck and my black long arm warmers on her arms to hide my scars, I did a sloppy side braid and tied my black and red converse.

I started on my makeup, dark brown eye shadow, lots of carbon black eyeliner, mascara and scored two hearts of kohl in my right canthus

When I come down the stairs sits Caleb and Andrew already in the kitchen and eat breakfast, I take an apple and go against my Ferrari and go to school.

On the school parking lot is packed with people but I go out of my car and lock it while I try to take me to my locker without hurting my back more than necessary

Well at my locker are Christina and the gang.

"Hey Tris!" she says when I arrive

I nod slightly in response to her over excited tone is killing me.

"Come on, let's try to be your friend anyway, you might be surprised?" says one of the guys who I think was Zeke.

"It is no use" I reply and for the first time, I look up at the eight people standing around me

"Why not?" ask the other guy, Uriah

"Less painful the next time I have to move if I know no one I have to leave behind me"

"Oh ... Have you moved much?" asking Christina

"It is well ... um ... the tenth time or something like that now," I answer without really bother me

Riiing Riiing Riing my phone makes a loud and deafening sounded, signaling that my phone is ringing. Sam. My heart flutters of all feelings I feel toward him.

"Hey Sam!" I answered in a voice which I try to convince him that everything is fine.

"What's wrong? You never called last night like you said? Are you okay? Do you understand how worried I was, I thought he killed you or something ...."

"Sam, take it easy, I cannot talk now, I'm at school, sorry, I forgot to call you back, I erm ... fell asleep"

"Promise to call me then" he demanded. Sam is good that way. Now that he knows everything, he is the only person I can be open to.

"I promise you, love you. Bye"

After the phone call Christina takes hold of my left wrist and pulls me towards our class, I swayed to the pain that goes through my body when she pinches tightened around my two newest cuts. My face showing absolutely no emotion but in the corner of my eye I saw the Four noticed that I wobbled. He has written concern in his eyes.

As soon as we come into the classroom, I sit in my assigned seat between Four and Christina

"Are you okay?" I hear a male voice whispering to me. I nod in response.

I cannot really answer their questions and wondering eyes. I am broken and cannot be fixed. Being beaten and raped frequently have the ability to set small traces in one's heart.

Mrs. Johnson is standing at the secretary and talk about an essay that apparently should have been finished until today about World War II. I have not written it, oups.

"So I will now go around and collect your essays" Mrs. Johnson informs class.

"Have you written an essay?" Four ask me

I give him one is you stupid look and answers "hardly"

"Why not?" Prompts Christina

"Why would I do that? Not that I will stay here long enough for it to matter"

Both Christina and Four sighs about it, what is it with them?

"Where is your essay ms Prior?" Mrs. Johnson asks me

"I have not written it?" I say this with mere annoyance in my voice

"Why not?" wonder Mrs. Johnson

"There is no point in putting energy into boring and irrelevant things. The Second World War has already happened, so why read about it? Why not read about something that is actually happening right now? Like all starving children, AIDS or HIV, such as actually relevant right now! "I growl at her

"Beatrice Prior! Detention with Ms. Wu! In the afternoon"


I do not have time to get a response to my non respectful response. The school bell rings, signaling it is time for the next period. The period I have with all of Christina's friends plus Peter's gangs. Urg

I walk slowly with my legs rapporteur after me into the classroom and sit down on the bench next to Uriah.

"Hey!" he says in a cheerful tone

"Hi ..."

"The second day of her in a new school and she has already been to the principal's office and got detention" informs Christina

"How did you get detention for not even a lesson?" asks Lynn

"I do not think Mrs. Johnson likes me very much .."

A bunch of laughter is heard around me and I allow myself a small smile

"So, you sit with us at lunch today?" that was Will who asked that

"uh ... why?"

"Better to have some spending time with the time that you are here" answers Marlene easily

"Okay," I say before our math teacher begins to recite equations on a whiteboard

The bell rings, signaling lunch, Christina and Marlene draws me in opposite arm toward the lunchroom. There were not many students who had arrived yet, to be honest; it was the gang, me and a couple of geeks together with my brother.

I decide to only eat an apple and a glass of water. Same as yesterday, it's the only thing I eat during the day. But I would never admit it to anyone.

"Are not you going to eat more than that?" demand Zeke

"Not very hungry," I answer without looking up from my plate. Uriah pulls me toward a round table where I see everyone else sitting.

"We need to find something to do after school today," yells suddenly Shauna

I flinch of the sudden sound

"Like what?" it was Fours voice asking

"Does it matter?" Christina says

"Can you come with Trissy?" Uriah say and deserves a death glance

"Call me that again and you end up in the hospital" I warn

He quickly change the spot with Four

"I do not want to end up in the hospital your sissy!" Four said to Uriah

"Call her not Trissy then" answers Uriah easy and continues to eat his chocolate cake

"Could you come with Tris?" Asks Lynn with hope in his eyes

Could I? Is it worth coming home late to hang out for a night out with these random with great people? I had decided not to search for friends here then we probably will soon move elsewhere but I was not looking, they came to me how much I tried, and push them away and keep them at bay. Is it worth getting whipped by the belt when I come home to at least for a while having fun?

"Yes" is all I answer but a small fear smile finds its way to his lips, what I gave me just now into?


Can You Save Me? *UNDER EDITING*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora