The Funeral

187 5 12

5 weeks later


I'm standing in front of the mirror in Zeke and Uriahs house. my black suit on and my hair combed, the bags under my eyes are dark and you can cleary tell I have been crying. Today is the worst day of my life. Today we are going to the girl who never was my girlfriend but who I loved even when she was not here's funeral.

The grass around her white coffin is green. The summer air filling my lungs, if only Tris was here to support me this day. But if she was I wouldn't need any support. The gang is standing at on side of the coffin, we are all wearing black tuxedos or dresses. On the other side is her mother, father and Caleb, and some other relatives I think. It lay's a bouquet of red roses on the coffin and beside it is a beautiful picture of Tris.

There is a tap at the microphone and I look up, out of my trance and see Tris father standing before the coffin

"My dear Beatrice,

How do I say goodbye to my daughter? How do I say goodbye to you? I'm your father and I'm supposed to go before you.

My daughter was a strong women, a strong and amazing talented girl.

It's hurts me so bad that she wasn't strong enough" Andrew's speak continues with lies upon lies. Some things are true about Tris. But her father would never know those thing because he never knew his daughter.

I look at the coffin and find myself wishing for one more touch, one more kiss, one more day, one more. Her fire has ended. Her flame is gone. I suppose a fire that burns so strong is not meant to last. But I wish it had lasted. I wish she would be here. I wish we would have a chance of being happy and in love. Because I love her.

The funeral was over, her relatives, her father and the friends of her had left. The gang, me, her mother and brother was still standing over the coffin, tears streaming down our faces. She was an amazing girl.

I knew she was gone, long gone but all I could do was wishing for her to wake up and be alive again. But she never did so all I did was standing still looking at her coffin and whisper three small words

"I love you"

Can You Save Me? *UNDER EDITING*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu