Never Have I Ever...

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I stand right now at her driveway. I said I would pick her up an hour after school ends. Why am I so nervous to knock on her front door? Simply tap on the door Tobias! I breathe a heavy breath and knocking on her front door. I hear a muffled sound behind the door and a man screaming "Detention! Seriously Beatrice! Do I need to learn yet another lesson?" Lesson? What kind of lesson? Who is this man and why does he screams at her. My thoughts were disturbed by a low voice behind the door

"No Sir"

I knock on the door again, higher this time.

Someone goes to the door and opens

"Yes?" A man in my father's age opens; it must be Mr. Prior's my father's colleague.

"Is Tris home?" I ask easy and innocent, to show that I'm not just eavesdropping on their conversations

"You are?" asks the man with an angry facial expression and turns easily in the door. I look at Tris on the floor with quite a lot of bruises on her bare arms.

"A classmate, we have a school project together" Whatever happened here before I arrived so I do not want to cause her more problems or pain

"Beatrice!" he yells at her as she slowly takes up using the staircase railing leading to the second floor

"Yes sir?" she asks in a low and shaken voice

"You know what happens when you get home," said her father with a smirk

"Yes sir," she said, moving slowly and carefully out the door.

"What the hell was that?" I asked in a voice that was harder than I thought.

"What?" she asks innocently, but I see right through it played innocence, I see the pain in her blue-gray eyes

"Do not play dumb! You know what I'm talking about!"

"Oh ... I fell down the stairs and got detention in school," she says. I'm still not entirely convinced that she is telling the truth

"In any case, we are home to Zeke and Uriah" I say to ease the tension that has arisen between us.

"Okay" she says, looking out the window.

the rest of the ogre is quiet, I would like to say something to her that makes her feel better but I do not know what it would be, when I look at her I see that she has the same clothes on as before and I'm thinking why she would have arm warmers worn in mid-September I do not have time to ask her about it when we are already outside Zeke and Uriah's house. I park the car in their driveway and locks, Tris and I go together to the house and I open the door without the bother knocking, I lead her down to their basement which is decorated for these occasions. There are three red sofas, a pool table, a big TV with various gaming consoles and a lot of DVD movies.

When we come down the stairs sits Zeke and Shauna in one of the sofas, Will and Christina in the other, Lynn has raised the third couch itself and Marlene and Uriah lying on the floor.

"Hey guys!" I shout and frighten half of them.

"At the time you showed up, I've been told these three pairs suck the faces of each other the last half hour! Why did you take such a time? Asks Lynn

"I fell down the stairs at home..." answers Tris uncertain

"Are you okay?" It was Uriah

"Yeah ... So what do you usually do?"

"I think we should all change numbers first!" said Zeke in a girl made to vote

A bunch of yes and okay from the group. We ship around our phones to Tris so we get her number and she can get ours.

"Shall we play Never Have I ever?" suggests Lynn

"What should we take instead of shots then?" Will asks

"Water or Coke?" Prompts Shauna

"Then it's decided," I say. Uriah collect shot glasses, Zeke download Coke and Shauna pick up a jug of water the rest of us sit in a circle on the floor. Tris sitting next to me, her arm brushing against mine and sends fireworks through my body. Soon all the back and the game can begin

"I start!" said Marlene

"Never Have I ever been caught drinking and driving"


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