29/100 - surprise

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very small chapter but i'll be uploading the next one right after :) enjoy!


When Temari came rushing towards you, she came as a surprise at your door. She was like a hurricane storming inside as she unrelentingly shouted for your name. Before she was able to catch her breath, you were already standing in front of her.

"What is it!?" You exhaled, sharply. Her sudden appearance struck as foreboding.

"It's Gaara." Temari whispered, as though his name were too fragile to speak. Her voice began to blend in with your surroundings, thoughts spiralling into whatever revelation was about to be bestowed upon you. It was either one of two things, Gaara's safety or something much more soul crushing. You were only able to comprehend the sudden tightness on your wrist. Fortunately, Temari's unbelievable grip brought you back from your momentary shock.

"They found him."

Temari grabbed your wrist and dragged you out the door.

Your heart seemed to have fallen out of your chest, or perhaps you had forgotten it back inside your living room. It didn't matter, anyway, because you were going to see Gaara again.

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