16/100 - patience

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hi its been like years and my plan was to update everyday BUT OOPS SCHOOL DISTRACTED ME :-) this doesnt have gaara in it but kind of but not really anYWAYS ITS SHIT BUT ILL UPDATE LATER ON THIS WEEK TO UP FOR IT


You were never accustomed to the concept of patience. Whether it be waiting for food, or trying to explain something to someone who just couldn't grasp anything your telling them--patience was something you lacked. 

Your mother would always say, "Good things come to those who wait." In which you replied with, "but patience isn't my thing."

The word suddenly struck upon you during a few days that Gaara was absent for a mission. It came to thought whilst gazing out a hot window, with quick fragments of memories replaying in your head, memories which consisted of Gaara.

 A soft smile was left on your face, hopefully he would be back soon and tell you all about his mission. Though he could be a mute at times, you could just get Kankuro or Temari to fill you in on the mission. Then you can ask Gaara once more just to hear the story in his voice. 

"Ahh...Gaara, you panda, when will you be back..?" Your finger traced circles on the window as you forced a pout, "I know you're going to be back. Why do I miss you?"

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