12/100 - whisper

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anyways, more drabbles for the hubby.

just a reminder that this is currently pre shippuden if anyone wasn't aware or was confused. im a bad author if i have to tell you that ಥ_ಥ


It was another one of those days in which Sunagakure had graced it's citizens with manageable weather. No, there wasn't any of that smoldering oven heat with sweat trickling down everyone's forehead, it was warm with a cool breeze. On days like this you were thankful, you weren't cursed with all that sweat and grime that would be accumulated at the end of the day, all that which came from your usual mannerisms that you somehow manage to get Gaara involved in.

"Gaara, I have to tell you something," Your eager hand clasped onto Gaara's wrist, which somehow became your favourite part of him to hold on to. The habit had sneaked itself in so subtly you didn't know how or why or when holding Gaara's wrist came to be. Perhaps it was the shyness of holding his hand...making you resort to his wrist? 

No, it couldn't be. If it truly was shyness, then you wouldn't be right in front of Gaara with the intentions of saying how you felt about him. 

He kept his face still and calm as it always had been, and awaited for you to tell your something.

With trembling lips and pink pooling in your cheeks, maybe so pink that it could rival with the pinkest of cherry blossoms, you gulped and looked at the ground. By now your grip was let go and Gaara was left to observe your flustered state, which needless to say he was oblivious to. 

You tell him you like him in the most hush tone you didn't think you could muster, usual cheery voice so low in hopes of him not hearing you. But of course, Gaara heard the faintest sound that was your mousy voice and tilted his head.

"I like you too, [Name]."

[C] eyes glance up to see his jade ones, your heart so hopeful that it could burst with the new found speed it began thumping in.

This was only to last for the two seconds of silence before you sweatdropped in disappointment, feeling like a hunk of boulders were placed on your shoulders for you to hold. His next words left you whimpering like a lost puppy, while an imaginary rain cloud floated above your head.

"I'm thankful that you are my friend." 

You sighed and bumped your lowered head into his chest, "Yeah, Gaara. Me too."

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