Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

A week has flown by quickly. Since making love with Seungcheol, my body seems to react differently to his touch. It's strange but I feel a sudden warmth when he's close and don't want him to leave. I'm probably just basking in the whole thing. We hung out the other day, a little make out session before he left for work. 

Talking of work, that's where I was right now. I just served a couple of teen girls before going to clean a table up. It had been a busy morning, customers nonstop until now. As I took the empty cups to the back to be washed, I nearly bumped into Junny.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed, seeing he had a tray of cakes in his hands.

"No worries, kid. You go have a break." He replied with a smile.

I smiled and placed the cups down ready to be washed before going to my locker and grabbing my phone. I checked and saw a message from Seungcheol.

Hey my beautiful girl, the guys and I were hoping you could come to the dorms for dinner tonight.

I instantly replied.

Hey babe! That sounds good, I finish at five so I'll head straight over.

Sounds good, see you later my love~

I smiled and placed my phone back, having a quick break before going back to serving customers.

The rest of the day flew by and five o'clock soon rolled around. I said my goodbyes to Dae and Junny and started walking to Seventeen's dorms. It was only a short walk as their dorms were right around the corner from the cafe. When I arrived I texted Seungcheol who could let me in and within a few seconds he was standing in front of me, a large smile on his face.

"Hi pretty girl~" He said sweetly, taking my hand and kissing my cheek.

"Hi babe." I replied, smiling at him.

Seungcheol closed the door as we went to see the others, a few of the guys were in the kitchen cooking while the rest were in the living room chilling. I greeted each of the guys with a small hug before sitting down.

"Dinner will be ready in ten minutes you timed it right!" Mingyu cheerfully told me.

"Thanks for having me over." I said.

"Of course! Your Seungcheol's girlfriend and basically a sister to us now. Plus your the same age as Chan so your the baby of the group!" Jeonghan said, ruffling my hair.

I laughed as we talked before dinner was ready. When Mingyu shouted, the guys rushed to the table, Seungcheol pulling me gently. I sat next to him, with Minghao the other side of me. The table erupted into chatter and laughter as we all ate happily.

"Tomorrow we have a show here." Seungcheol told me.

"That's cool! What time is it?" I asked.

"Not till night, we were actually thinking you should come." He answered.

"Woah really?" I called, feeling my eyes widen.

"Yeah! We already have a spare backstage pass for you. That way you can see your boyfriend and bias up close." Jun said with a cheeky grin.

I laughed and shook my head, I now regret telling them who my bias was. But in the end, I was happy.

"It sounds good! I'll be there." I said.

The guys cheered as Seungcheol smiled, holding my hand in his. I couldn't believe I had finally found the love of my life.

Not my bias ~ Choi SeungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now