Chapter 16

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Ka Zuigetsu (Jinshi) P.O.V.

I rest my fingers against my chin. I can feel Mao Mao's eyes on me. Just as I'm about to say something, when the door burst open. "I'm sorry that I come in like this. But it's happening again" Basen says. "Again?" I ask, a little confused. "Akiko is in labor again" he says. "How is this possible?" Mao Mao says, and before I'm even able to react, she's gone. I immediately run after her. Akiko's room isn't far from mine, but somehow it feels like an eternity. When I walk into her room, Akiko is on her hands and knees, and is screaming in pain. There's water around her knees, not blood. Akiko has her face pressed against Kazue's stomach, who is rubbing her back with a worried expression on her face. Mao Mao is touching Akiko's stomach. "Go get the doctor, and the one from her country as well!" She shouts and Basen and at Xiaolan. "Not again, it's too early, I've only been pregnant for a couple of months!" Akiko groans. "That we know of! There's no blood, Akiko. You might just be on time, if not just a little early. I'm going to feel if you're a bit dilated okay?" Mao Mao says. It's like she feels like I'm here, because Mao Mao suddenly looks at me. "Get out!" She says. "But!" I protest. "Leave!" She says, and because of her expression I get out of the room. Xiaolan runs through the hall with Minato behind her, they both rush in. Basen and the other doctor run up as well, and the doctor disappears in the room, closing the door behind him. I lean against the wall, with my hands behind me. Basen stands beside me. It feels like I've been standing here for ever, and the only thing I hear is Akiko's screams. "How long have we've been here?" I ask. "Not even an hour yet" Basen says. When I hear footsteps, I look up and see Gaoshun walking our way. "I heard that Akiko is in labor again" Gaoshun says softly. "They won't let me in the room" I say. "Of course. It's our job to wait out here, there's nothing you can do to help" Gaoshun says with a gentle smile. Suddenly it's very quiet in the room, and I stare at the door. I gasp when I hear a baby cry. "Congratulations" Gaoshun says softly. I close my eyes. Please be healthy.

The door opens and Minato steps out. "A healthy baby boy" he says. "He's healthy?" I ask. Minato smiles brightly. "Yes he is. A little small, because he's a little early, but he has an amazing chance to survive" Minato says. I bow to him. "Thank you" I say. "Please raise your head. It was my pleasure to help my friend" Minato says. I raise. "I have to get back. Go in and greet your son" Minato says and walks away. "Go on" Gaoshun says softly. "Don't you want to meet him?" I ask. "I do. But knowing that he's healthy is good enough for now. I'll meet him another time." Gaoshun smiles again but then he leaves again. I take a deep breath and step in. Akiko is in her bed, some pillows behind her back and her blankets up to her lap. Kazue is cleaning something at the floor and Mao Mao and the doctor are standing near the table. I do hear the sounds of a fussy baby. I walk over to Akiko. "Hey" I say. She seems tired. "Hey" she says with a sleepy smile. She pats on the bed beside her and I sit down. "How are you?" I ask, softly stroking her cheek. "I guess I was further along than we thought. I really thought that I was halfway through my pregnancy. I guess he is a quiet baby" Akiko says. "I think he was comfortable" I smile. Mao Mao walks up. "Congratulations" she says, holding the baby boy. "Have you already held him?" I ask. "I have. Go ahead, Otosan" Akiko smiles. Mao Mao carefully places the baby boy in my arms. I gasp softly as I look at the teeny boy on my arm, As he scrunches his eyes and lips. "If you'll excuse me" Akiko says softly. "Please sit down" Akiko says. I look at Mao Mao. "Please do. Thank you, for keeping them both safe" I say. Mao Mao seems a little surprised but then does sit near my knees. "He's precious" she mumbles. "I'll go make something for Akiko-sama to eat and drink, please excuse me" Kazue says softly. "He is, so precious" I whisper, stroking his cheek. "What do you want his name to be?" I ask. "It's a father's job to name him" Akiko says amused. "I just want to know your ideas" I say.

Mao Mao is sleeping when I silently walk into her room. I smile as I watch the peaceful expression on her face, then carefully crawl beside her. Mao Mao groans softly. "Something wrong? Everything alright with Akiko and the baby?" She asks. "Everything is fine, go back to sleep" I say softly. "Then why are you here?" Mao Mao groans, rubbing her eye. "To sleep next to you?" I ask confused. Mao Mao sighs and let herself fall back into her pillow. "You got me worried there for a second" she says. "Shouldn't you be with them?" Mao Mao asks. "All I want to do is sit down and stare at his beautiful little face. Akiko needs to sleep when he does, and they'll both be awake when I'm there. And so will I and I need sleep too" I say. Mao Mao chuckles. "That's a good enough reason" she says. I crawl against her. "Isn't it?" I ask, laying my head next to hers. "Have you decided on a name yet?" Mao Mao asks. "His name will be Taio. Akiko likes the name as well" I say. "That's good" Mao Mao yawns. "It's a good name" she says. "Thank you" I whisper and pull her into my arms. "Thank you for everything." I say. Mao Mao kisses me. "I was glad to help. He is a beautiful boy" she says. I smile brightly. "Yeah, he really is" I say. Mao Mao chuckles. "You seem happy" she says. "I am. I am proud. Have you seen the moon when he was born? All I could do was wait and I saw it. It was beautiful. There was no wind, no rain, and no clouds. He was born quickly, both him and his mother are healthy. Isn't that a sign of good fortune? Doesn't that mean his birth is? How can I be anything other dan happy and proud" I say. Mao Mao chuckles and strokes my cheek. "There's no way that you can't be" she says and kisses me. "Go try to get some sleep. You need your sleep too, so you can be with them again in the morning" Mao Mao says. "Turn around" I say. Mao Mao does and I lay my face against her neck. I breathe in deeply, taking in her smell and sigh. I feel myself getting drowsy. "I love you" I mumble, as I hold her tightly. "I know" Mao Mao says softly.

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