Chapter Nineteen - Come Together.

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A Couple of Hours Later...
Kevin Stoker...

Weekends were usually the teachers' time off, and normally, I would take off to my lake house for a couple of nights, but I wasn't prepared to leave Eve behind this weekend. Not when Lucian was whispering in her head. The fact that he only repeated one phrase would suggest that he is either losing his power or that Eve is much stronger than any of us are giving her credit for.

My money was on the latter.

I had only been in the girl's presence a couple of times, but I could already tell that she was incredibly impressive. For a Demi-God, she was humbler and more empathic than I had ever envisioned a Demi-God to be. Maybe that was down to the way she had been forced to live up to this point in her life. As loath as I am to admit it, maybe her dad had done the right thing in the way he had raised her. I still don't agree with it because she has had a harder life than she ever should have. However, who is to say that she would still be this person if things 'had' been easier on her?

Finding her thrashing around in her bed in the early morning hours; I worried that she was having some sort of fit but upon hearing the details of what she had assumed was a nightmare, it was very clear that it had been something far more sinister than a fit. I strongly believe that she had somehow astral-projected her soul into Hell.

If she had astral-projected herself to Hell, she was far more powerful than we could have predicted. I know fully grown Supes who still found it impossible to astral-project themselves. There was a reason that we didn't start teaching the ability until students were into their third year of studying here. Even then, not everyone was ready.

I would have given anything to save her from that experience. Hell was exactly as she described it – barren, devoid of colour which I don't think one can truly appreciate what that feels like until they have experienced it first-hand. The land is vast and seemingly endless, there are villages where different residents resided – killers together, rapists together, child abusers together, corrupt officials together. Whatever you could imagine, that is what Hell is. To live the rest of eternity with people of your own kind because there is a certain poetic justice in that. In the very centre of the realm is Lucian and Lilith's domain. A huge imposing castle with pointed spheres and imposing gargoyles and deadly assassins placed strategically around the perimeter. The small town that sits at the very base of the mile long steps into the castle is where their closest council resides. There is no sun in Hell which makes it far easier for Vampires to walk around in daylight without burning up. The worst thing about Hell though is not the inhabitants, or even the landscape, no, the very worst part of the realm is the sheer weight of hopelessness that hangs in the air, a hint of despair and oppression that only magnified the hopelessness. I had felt it whenever they left me be, from being tortured and experimented on. It was like a real weight pressing down on you and there was no escape. The feeling seeped to the furthest corners of the realm.

To know that my fated-mate had ended up there was concerning because it meant that there was some sort of pull for her. A pull to Lucian?

I have spent the morning going through our oldest documentations of the supe-world trying to find anything new about Demi-Gods but the most I could find was what we already knew. Maybe because no one had ever really gotten close enough to one to study them.

Of course, I also had a suspicion of how my, fated had ended up in Hell but for now I was ok with remaining blissfully ignorant. At least that was what I was trying to sell myself.

By the time I got back to the cottage, Eve and Andrei were just finishing up their training. Eve was lying on her back on the mat, sweating like she had just an especially energetic bout of sex, her breath rapid and each inhale hallowed her lower abdomen in the most hypnotising manner. The long strands of her hair had fallen from the up-do she had clearly started out with. A black and hot pink sports bra clung to the curve of her female attributes perfectly, a pair of low-riding three quarter-length yoga pants highlighted the dip and curve of her shapely waist, and her feet were bare and dainty looking with black nail polish which seemed to suit her in that moment.

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