Chapter Twenty-Six - What a Shame.

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A Few Minutes Later...
Eve Chambers...

Today marked the start of my first full week of taking supernatural classes. I had a three-day week last week which was my first week here at the academy. There was still a part of me that worried I had somehow slipped into some sort of super surreal fantasy.

Although was this really, something that my brain would conjure up?

It's not that I'm not enjoying myself here because for the most part I am loving it here but there is that part of my brain that can't help but feel the way some of the other students stare at me. The whispers about who and what I am follow me almost everywhere I go. Kristy with her vendetta against me is happy to whisper behind my back and start rumours about what caused me to end up here in the middle of the first term. I didn't quite understand what Kristy's problem with me was, but I am not the type of person who will sit idly by while someone takes pot-shots at me, I will eventually bite back and now that I have this power I won't lie and say that I am not a little terrified of what I am capable of.

The recent rumour was that I had gone on a rampage when I found my boyfriend cheating on with my best friend, nearly maiming both of them. I would have laughed if I hadn't been so terrified that I was actually capable of something of that magnitude. I had to get a grip on this power and learn how to wield it correctly. I had to learn quickly because my restraint on not rising to Kristy's bullshit is growing thin.

Walking into this classroom I had been in fairly good spirits. Sage and I had a good talk on the way to class and it was still shocking to me that I had astral-projected let alone anything else that has come to light this past week. I guess you could say I was in a strange sort of limbo with my powers and my new world. My gaze had dropped on the gorgeous guy I had seen around the school and in my Magical-History class, the depth and beauty in those eyes set off a chain reaction of emotion inside of me and I had offered a smile for fear that I had a resting-bitch-face expression but seriously I shouldn't have even bothered as he all but scowled right back at me before tearing his eyes away from me to focus on something else.

What the fuck is his problem?

Sage and I dropped into the pair of seats in the front row, a few spaces down from Kristy who was glaring at me with what was definitely a resting-bitch-face. I just smiled sweetly at her before turning back to Sage and felt a wave of gratitude that it was her that I had been roomed with upon my arrival here.

Sage had been warm and accepting from the moment that we actually met in the diner. Then finding her in the dorm-room that had initially been awarded to me was a nice and pleasant surprise. I don't know what I would have done had I been placed with Kristy. Something screams that I wouldn't have lasted my first week if I had had that streak of bad luck. My head snapped up as the clap of heels on the hardwood floor drew everyone's attention to the middle-aged woman with beautiful Auburn hair who glided into the room with all the grace of a seasoned ballerina. An emerald skirt-suit drew the richness of her hair out into a vivid and vibrant cascade of waves that shaped a heart shaped face with a Marilyn Monroe beauty mark in the exact same spot of the famous icon. It was her eyes that struck me as her most defining characteristic – they were the most hypnotic cat-green/yellow that I have ever seen on a person before. And it was at that moment I knew what she was – a cat-shifter. She was curvy in a way that I would imagine a cat to be in human form. "Good morning class-" she greeted with a disarming smile on her face as she glanced around before her eyes landed on mine, "Eve?"

"Yes, Miss. Steele!" I smiled, "pleased to meet you!" I may have had an absent father lately, but he had always taught me to be polite and courteous when meeting new people. It was something that I carried with me wherever I went.

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