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"And then I was like, suck my dick." You proudly said to Katsuki as he groaned, scanning items. The man looked stoned, slapping a twenty dollar bill on the counter and taking his bag. Katsuki didn't bother giving his change back.

"Can you shut up for just one day?" Katsuki grumbled, scanning the items of the next person. He regretted allowing you to sit on the stool. You talked both of his ears off.

"No can do!" You exclaimed, "You and I will be dating soon. You have to get used to my talking."

"And who the fuck said I wanted to date you?" Katsuki grumbled, giving change to a customer.

You pouted. "I saw you blushing yesterday. You were totally into me. I know we're gonna end up together."

"In your dreams."

You sighed, kicking your legs. "You're right. In my dreams, we are dating. It'll become reality one day."

"In your fucking nightmares."

"I don't think that's how it's supposed to work."

"You know," you said as you bit into your (type of) bread. "Just outright tell me you're not interested. Like...tell me I have zero chance of getting with you if I really don't have a single chance."

You were currently sitting on a bench beside him, eating bread. He ate ramen, slurping away. When he stayed quiet, you glanced at him.

"Hey, are you listening—?" You grew quiet before suddenly standing up. "Hold up. Hoooold up!"

"Don't get your hopes up too high." Katsuki grumbled, stuffing his mouth with noodles.

"Holy shit. I actually have a chance!" You grinned from ear to ear, huddling closer to him. "Just admit it! You do like me!"

"It's a .00000000000001% chance."

"As if!" You exclaimed before settling down beside him. "Thank you for walking me back home at night."

"My mom would've scooped my eyes out with a spoon and forced me to eat my own eyeballs if I didn't walk you home."

"That's oddly specific."

"I wonder why."

Worker Boy [K. BakugoxF!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now