Party.(TW READ A/N)

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A/n,so i noticed this fic was kind of becoming more oneshots than actual plot so im gonna bring in some angst and fluff and a little less sex.
Jakes pov-
Tara asked me to go to party with her,and to bring johnnie. Me and johnnie honestly have no life apart from filming and being with each other,so we gratefully accepted the offer. Me and johnnie got out the uber,i kissed him on the cheek before separating with him. "Text or call me if you need me okay?" I said before letting go of his hand. Johnnie nodded and walked off. Johnnie wasnt the type to interact with others,but if he was drunk enough he just might. I found tara in the the crowd,she asked me to get a new drink with her. "i guess" i said,thinking about johnnie. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bar. She got tequila ,I decided to stay sober to drive her home,ordering a diet coke. I felt off,out of place. I didnt wanna leave tara alone so i took her to help me find johnnie.
Johnnies pov
I felt myself be pulled into the bathroom by someone. I didnt know who it was,it was just some random dude. He forced me onto my knees as he zip tied my hands together.
He pulled his pants and boxers down and face began to face fuck me. I pulled off him as good i could. "JAK-*cough* HELP! ANYBODY!" PLEASE." I felt myself be tugged back onto him. I was crying,screaming. I continued to scream jakes name,taras name,anybody. Please. Not again.
Jakes pov
I heard johnnie yelling my name,he was screaming bloody murder. I searched for where it was coming from before finding the screams in the bathroom. I knocked roughly on the door. "JAKE PLEASE HELP!" I heard johnnie yell before coughing. I kicked the door open with as much force i could muster up. I found johnnie being face fucked by some dude.
I dont even know what sparked but i just attacked the dude. I punched his face until it was bloody and swollen. Someone pulled me off of him and tara looked at me in shock. I quickly rushed to untie johnnie,picking him up and rushing him to the car. I threw tara into the back before speeding away,not wanting to be arrested tonight. I grabbed johnnies hand as he sobbed violently. "im so sorry i wasnt there johnnie." Johnnie didnt respond,he just kept sobbing. I wish this was all over already,not for me but for johnnie. Hes been through so much and has told me about his unhealthy coping mechanisms. I hid my car in the garage,bringing johnnie into the house. "Jake put me down.." he said,his voice cracking. I put him down,watching him run to his room,slam the door and lock it. I could hear him still crying. I teared up myself. I will fucking find that guy and do unspeakable things to him when i do. I brought tara to the couch,i wanted her to rest while i comforted johnnie.i softly knocked on johnnies door. I heard him shuffle around and unlock it. I opened the door a little. Johnnies make up was completely messed up,he had blood stains on his clothes,to which i assumed was the other guys. "do you want to change first..?" I asked softly. He nodded and closed the door. Johnnie would usually let me watch,but after what he just went through i wouldnt want anybody to see me so vulnerable either. Johnnie opened the door again,he mustve cleaned his makeup off while he was in there since his face was now clean aswell. He started to sob again as i pulled him into a gentle hug. "Can i kiss your head..?" I asked. Johnnie nodded as i gave him a small kiss on the head. I held johnnies hand and brought him to his bed,sitting him down before i sat in front of him. I didnt know what to do. My heart ached for him. I knew what the next few weeks,maybe months would be like. I inhaled. "Do you want me to post a video explaining that were taking a break..?" I asked. He nodded no. "i want to continue making videos for now,just less.." johnnie said,his voice was soft and quiet. I pulled him into a hug again,leaving enough room for him to escape if he chose to. Johnnie closed the gap between us and hugged me tightly,beginning to sob into my chest. "im sorry i wasnt there for you johnnie. Im sorry." I said,feeling myself start to tear aswell. "im sorry jake im sorry im sorry im sorry" johnnie cried out into my chest. My heart broke hearing him apologize for something that was never his fault. "its not your fault johnnie please dont blame yourself." I said,rubbing johnnies back. "i feel so fucking dirty jake." Johnnie sobbed. I didnt know what to say,how are you supposed to deal with something like this? "Im gonna find that guy and im gonna fucking murder him johnnie." I said. I wish i could murder him. Id rather be in jail until im bailed out than get years of prison. If i ever and i mean ever see that guy i will beat the shit out of him. I realized johnnie had finally calmed down,i pet his hair,feeling him relax against my chest. "Do you want to go shower,see if you feel less dirty?" I asked,just trying to comfort him. He nodded. "Can you stay in there with me? Not in the shower but just outside the shower..?" Johnnie asked. "Whatever helps you." I said,kissing his head. I let him get up first before following him to the bathroom. I turned around and closed my eyes,staying in the corner of the bathroom until i heard the shower curtain screech. "Can i turn around?" I asked. "Yeah." I heard johnnie say. I turned around,i sat on the floor and leaned against the sink cabinets. I heard johnnie let out one of those sounds of pain. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah.." i heard johnnie say softly. "Do you think you could wait outside the door?" Johnnie asked. "Of course." I said,getting up and getting out,closing the door. "Can you put pajamas on the counter for me?" I heard johnnie say through the door. I didnt respond,i just went and found some pajamas in his closet. I knocked before placing the pajamas on the counter,closing the door and sitting against it on the other side.
Johnnies pov-
I dont feel as horrible as i should. I should be cutting by now,which im slightly tempted to,but jake isnt gonna leave me alone until im better. I feel horrible,but jake makes me feel better. Something about being in a relationship during that made me feel sick. I should've defended myself. Im so fucking stupid. Where would i be without jake? Probably dead. I wouldve killed myself a long time ago without jake. And i feel horrible but to be honest i just want to take a break from our relationship. I do love him,but it feels so wrong. What if our relationship was always meant to be just fucking each other? What if he genuinely dosent love me? What if i was just a sex toy to him? We have sex almost every week,he almost always initiates it too. I dont mind the sex,it makes the relationship feel a bit more real. But i dont think hes ever  actually took me out on even a proper date. Maybe i could talk to him about that. I want to take a break from the relationship,but i dont. I realize how long ive been in here and finish up,i get out and grab my towel,i dry my hair and body before slipping on the new clothes jake brung me,he also brought me new boxers,thank god he wasnt gonna make me wear the same ones. I put the outfit on and felt better after the shower. I opened the door and jake was on the floor he fell back and i slightly smiled. Jake got up,he hugged me before asking me "are you comfortable with me cuddling you or do you want me to sleep in my bed?" "No its fine,im probably gonna go to sleep right now anyways its like 4 am." I said yawning,turning to the sink to brush my teeth. I felt disgusted brushing my tongue,remembering every little detail. "I promise you im gonna kill that guy." "Jake." Jake looked at me. "Dont even bother looking for him,its over with.." i could tell jake felt bad for bringing it up again so i kissed him on the cheek. Jake looked at me,his body language was so gentle i could just hug him. I finished brushing my teeth and washed my brush again before putting it back. Jake finished brushing his own after me and joined me on my bed. I felt him hesitate to hold me close. "its fine jake,im comfortable with you kissing me,hugging me,or cuddling me. Your my boyfriend and that guy wasnt. Im comfortable with whatever you do,as long as its not sex right now." I said,pulling his arm completely around me. Jake sighed and kissed my head. "good night johnnie. Ill be with you all day tomorrow okay? Unless your showering or changing" i nodded my head. I felt the sadness wash over me as jake fell asleep before me. I sobbed a little,which woke jake up slightly to which he used his other arm to stroke my hair,kissing my head and cheek until i fell asleep.

Im not sure if this chapter will be disliked because of the sa or not but if it is or if too many people are uncomfortable with it i will most likely  delete the chapter,if i dont get any comments i will keep up the chapter. Please keep in mind that the next few chapters will have triggering subjects like mention of sa,sh,eating disorders, etc. i will be using 🌸 for the start or end of those parts for those who are uncomfortable with it! This chapter was 1780 words bye!

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