Chapter 68

7 1 15

- May 31st 1976 -


Today is the day we return to Scotland. The last two weeks in France have been amazing and given us so many ideas. It is going to be nice to get home and return to work but this trip has shown us so much.

"I am so grateful for all of the memories from this trip," Eric said.

"Me too, this has been a lot of fun," I said with a smile.

"Well I guess it is goodbye to this hotel," Eric commented as he walked around making sure we left nothing behind.

I did the same making sure.

"I am always worried we are going to be forgetting something before we leave," Eric said.

"Me too and it is not like we can just come back and get it," I said with a chuckle.

"I think everything is clear. Do you agree?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Alright then," Eric said.

We got our bags and headed out of the hotel room. Checking out in the lobby and getting in our ride to the airport.

"I forgot the flight is what 5 hours?" I asked.

"Yes, you have it right," he replied.

We got out of the car and headed inside through all of the things the airport makes you do.

We did get some breakfast before we left the hotel.

"What do we want to do on the plane ride this time?" I asked.

"I have no idea but maybe we could just sleep on the way home?" he asked.

"Sounds good. The thing I am glad for is we do not have a jet lag after we get home," I said.

"That is always the best part," he replied with a chuckle.

- Time skip to getting off of the plane - 

We got our bags and headed out of the airport. 

Les was waiting to pick us up.

"Hey guys," Les said as he got out of his car.

"Hey, so good to see you man," Eric said.

"Good to see you guys as well," Les said with a smile.

"Hii," I said.

We got our bags in the car and then we all piled on inside.

"Are you guys hungry?" Les asked.

"Just a bit," Eric said.

"Good because we have food waiting back at the house. My house and then you guys could go home?" Les asked.

"Sure," I said.

"Sounds like a good plan," Eric said.

"Everyone is at the house so you guys get a good welcome home," Les said.

We got back to the house and headed on inside.

"Hey guys welcome back," Woody commented.

"Hey hey," Eric said.

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