Chapter 80

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- July 13th 1976 - 


Today was our last day in California which meant tomorrow we would be leaving on the 14th. It was currently 1 pm. We had just finished lunch and we were hanging out in the lobby of the hotel room. The people here at the hotel knew us by now and would let us hang out in the lobby when we wanted to.

"I feel like hotel workers deserve more pay they always work so hard," Matthew commented.

"I agree," I said.

"We are going to leave a good tip before we head out of here," Les said.

"What did we want to do for the rest of the day? I know we should probably be settled tonight by no later than 8," Alan said.

"I don't know," I said.

"Anything is fine by me and I know we probably don't want to go out too far," Derek said.

"I hate that I have to turn in the car today. I loved the car I rented out," Les said.

"Maybe we should go do that?" I asked.

"You wanna come with me?" Les asked.

"Sure, why not. One more ride in the car would be fun," I said.

Me and Les stood up.

"Well while you guys are gone we will be here," Eric said.

"Oh, wait we have to turn in the other car too," Alan said.

"That's true. I will actually go with you," Eric said.

"Me, Ian, Matthew and Derek will stay here while you guys go," Woody said.

"Alright then," Eric said.

We headed out to the cars and we headed to go drop them off.

"I hate that I have to turn in this car. It rides so smooth and is one of my favorites," Les commented.

"I know but like we talked about I am sure you could find one back home," I said.

"I forgot that is true I am sure I could," Les said.

We got to the car rental place and turned in the cars.

"I forgot we have to get a taxi now," Alan said.

"We are going to be here for a minute," I said.

"Probably these streets are super busy," Eric said.

Eric held my hand as we stood by the street and we eventually got a taxi.

"I always loved taxis," Les said.

"Same," I said.

I laid my head on Eric's shoulder.

"Are you tired already?" Eric asked.

"Meh," I said.

"You can be tired it is okay," Eric said with a chuckle.

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