Chapter 78

9 1 22

- July 8th 1976 -


I was alone in the hotel room just having some time to myself. The boys were off doing some work together. Matthew was off wandering around the town. I was just looking through the photo album I was working on.

"I wonder how full this is going to get by the end of the trip," I said to myself.

There was a knock on the door.

"Okay, weird," I said getting up to go look out the peephole.

I was so glad I was tall enough to see out. At the door was Les.

"Oh hey Les," I said.

"You wanna go out for a ride? I rented a car that looked cool," Les said.

"Sounds like fun I am doing nothing anyways. Where's the rest of the guys?" I asked.

"No clue to be honest I left them and went to go rent a car," Les said with a chuckle.

"Sounds fun," I said.

We headed out of the hotel room and into the car Les had rented.

"Damn this is a nice car," I said as I got in.

"Isn't it? The top goes down and everything," Les said.

Les got in the car and we headed out for a drive.

"Man this car drives so smooth," I said.

"It does," Les replied.

We drove down Hollywood Blvd. 

"This is the kind of car I want back home. I think it would be real nice," Les commented.

"Then maybe you should look into getting one?" I asked.

"I think maybe by the time we get back I should be able to look into getting one," Les replied.

"That would be fun," I said.

We eventually passed the boys on the road they were heading back to the hotel.

"Oh look who it is," Les said honking.

I waved out the window. And Eric looked back at me.

"We will meet up with them later," Les said.

"Where are we heading to anyways?" I asked.

"We are heading to the shops I saw earlier," Les said.

"Oooh I like to shop," I said.

Soon enough the boys were behind us honking at us.

"What the heck," Les said checking the mirror.

"Oh," I said looking back.

"I wonder why they are following us now," Les said with a chuckle.

"Because the way Eric looked at me might be the way it tells all," I said with a chuckle.

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