Chapter 79

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- July 10th 1976 - 

Y/N's POV 

We had a few more days to be here in California. It has been quite fun seeing the boys appear on different things and some shows while being here in the state. I think it is cool also how me and Matthew have met some star potentials. It was always interesting and now we are in the management side of things besides just the music studio part.

"I think it is cool how much we have gotten accomplished while being here," Matthew commented.

"I think it has been a lot of fun meeting with the new star potential. So many of them have a lot to offer," I said.

"It is kind of insane how some of them are willing to fly out to Scotland to work with us," Matthew said.

"I think it is fun though and plus while you get away you get inspired by several things," I said.

"You guys think some of the songs we have been working on could get to number #1's?" Derek asked.

"I know they are going to be some big hits coming," I said.

"The new album is going to be coming out in September which is going to be quite exciting," Ian said.

"I know and it makes me happy to have a whole new album coming out," Les said.

"I am quite proud of you guys for all of the work you guys have been putting in," I said.

"You guys are true stars," Matthew commented.

"Thank you and we would not be able to do this without you guys," Eric commented.

"Also guys I heard they have a farm here in Los Angeles. Did you want to check it out?" Alan asked.

"You know I would love to," I said.

"Same here," Derek said.

All of the boys nodded in agreement. 

"This is going to be a lot of fun to meet some new farm animals," Alan said.

"Who is going to be driving to?" Derek asked.

"I know where it is so if you guys want to I can," Alan commented.

"Works for me," Matthew said.

"Let's get going then?" Derek asked.

"Yeah," Ian said.

We all got out of the hotel room we had been relaxing in and headed out to the cars.

"Who wants to come with me?" Les asked.

"I will," I said.

"I will too," Eric said.

"Me too," Woody said.

"Okay then we will be good and split. Just follow behind, alright?" Alan asked.

"You got it," Les said.

We got in the cars and headed out to the farm Alan had discovered they had here.

"I am kind of becoming a horse lover," I said.

"I have recently noticed that," Eric said with a chuckle.

"Horses are one of my favorite animals. They are just so gentle and cute," Les commented.

"I agree like how could you get a cuter animal?" I asked.

"True," Woody said.

"I think it is cute how Alan found a farm for us to check out. It gives us something a bit different than just doing things," Les said.

"True. We all have been so busy here lately," Eric said.

"But it is good for us to be busy," Woody said.

"True and we have been having fun too so it makes sense," Les said.

We eventually arrived at the farm. It was huge.

"This looks like a family owned farm?" I commented.

"It does," Eric said.

We all met up outside of the cars.

"Is this a family owned farm?" Les asked.

"Yeah, I met this one guy who said he had a farm and I told him we were from out of town," Alan said.

"Okay, I hope this goes well," Woody said with a chuckle.

"What is the worst that could happen?" Derek asked.

"Who knows," Woody replied.

"Good point," Matthew said.

We walked up to the little house and knocked on the door. An older gentleman opened the door to greet us and he let us know we were free to roam the farm as long as we didn't let the horses get out.

"This one is so cute," Derek said.

We were wandering about and the boys all ended up on horses. I was snapping pictures of the boys having fun.

"Come on Y/N," Alan said.

"I don't know," I said with a chuckle.

"You'll be fine either come with me or go with Eric," Alan said.

"I won't go quick if you come with me," Eric said.

"I won't either," Alan said.

"You've been on the horses back home before don't be a scaredy catt," Matthew said laughing.

"This is different," I said.

"I get why she is nervous about it. Not all horses are the same try with Eric first if it makes you more comfortable," Alan said.

Alan got off the horse and helped me on the horse with Eric.

"If you need me I will be right over there with Derek," Alan said.

Alan got back on the horse and went over to Derek.

"See baby it's not so bad," Eric said.

I was sitting in front of Eric as we walked around the horse.

"I guess you are right," I said with a smile.

"I won't let you fall off either I promise," Eric said.

"I trust you my love," I said.

We were all just wandering around on the horses. Derek and Alan were being  show off's like normal.

"One day I will be able to do that," Matthew commented.

"It seems like it could be fun," Ian said.

Matthew and Ian were on the same horse together.

"It just takes some time to learn the horses and you will get there at one point," Derek said.

"I kind of want to get a horse of our own," I said.

"Well we could totally if you wanted to," Eric said.

"You could let the horsey stay with ours," Derek said.

"That would be a good idea and plus we would not be worried all of the time about it," Eric said.

"We should think about it," I said with a smile.

Eric kissed my cheek.

"You two make me sick," Matthew said with a chuckle.

"They are cute together," Ian said.

"That is the whole problem," Matthew said.

"Watch this ya'll," Woody said as he rode the horse around kind of quickly.

"Be careful dude," Alan said.

"I am fine I am a cowboy," Woody said with a chuckle.

"I guess you could be," Alan said.

"I am glad you found this place for us to hang out on today," I said.

"Me too. And the owner is so kind," Alan said.

"He really is," Matthew said.

We all enjoyed our time on the farm and the horses. 

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