Chapter 72

7 1 23

- June 20th 1976 - 


Today was Alan's birthday and we were so excited to be celebrating him. He was currently with Derek - Eric was glad Derek was keeping him away from the house for a while. At this point, I think the boys know when we do these kinds of things but they try and act surprised.

"I think it is cute how all of this turned out," Les said.

"Me too, I think it came out good," I said with a smile.

"I think the food is going to be good too. Derek dropped off these scones this morning," Eric said.

"I think it is nice we always have a light dessert before the real dessert," Woody said.

"That is why these are birthdays we always get a variety," I said with a chuckle.

"I wonder if other people have someone dedicated like you for everyone's birthday," Woody commented.

"Who knows she is one of a kind when it comes to doing these kinds of things," Eric said.

"I can't wait to see what she does for yours and Les's birthdays," Woody said.

"Last year was pretty great when she surprised me by coming here," Eric said.

"And now I live here so it could be even better," I said with a smile.

"I feel like they should be coming anytime soon," Les said.

We saw the car park in the front of the house and the boys soon came out.

"Okay, they are coming," I said.

"Perfect," Les said.

They knocked on the door and we opened it.

"Hey guys," Derek said.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," Eric said rolling his eyes.

"Hey Alan, happy birthday," I said with a smile.

We let them in.

"Thank you," Alan replied with a smile.

"Happy birthday," everyone else said out loud together.

"You guys are getting better at being on track," Alan said with a chuckle.

"True," I said.

"Thank you guys," Alan said.

"This is so cute," Derek said.

"We have our food here and then we have a little gift station over here," Ian said.

"Looks like we have a lot of food to pick from," Alan said.

"Of course. We always like to have a good variety," Les said.

"You make some of the best sandwiches too," Alan said looking at Les.

"I know I am kind of good at it," Les said with a chuckle.

"What do you say? We get settled and get ready to eat," Eric said.

"Sounds good. We have been out on the farm for a bit so it sounds good," Alan said.

"The farm is always fun and getting bigger each day," Derek said.

"I love the horses," I said.

"Me too," Alan said.

We all got our plates and some food along with a drink each. We sat down to enjoy our food.

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