Chapter 101: Stay

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Second Missing Chapter

An unexpected blessing or an unwanted burden?

TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains betrayal, mentions on rape, attempted suicide and abortion, miscarriage, and death. A viewer discretion is advised.

" pregnant, Miss Gisela."

A loud gasp from the silver-haired was heard in the black-haired's room. Today, a physician came to check Sarina's condition as requested by Zorn. Gisela accompanied her lady to hear positive news of Sarina's condition and purposely asked the doctor to speak in English so her lady could understand. But they didn't expect to hear another "positive" news.

"What...did you...just say...?" was all Sarina could ask, dumbfounded and in denial.

"Wh—Are you sure you're not mistaken, Doctor?" The silver-haired asks. The physician nodded and turned to the black-haired. "Almost eight weeks now."


Sarina couldn't utter a word. Much less breathe. All she's doing is listen to her own heartbeat that seems like it would be heard by the entire mansion with how loud it sounded.

A nightmare. How she wished that everything was just a nightmare. Or the doctor was just pulling a joke on her. But no, his expression says otherwise. And so is her past days. Morning sicknesses. The stomach cramps. The cravings. The bloating. Everything just confirmed the news. She really is...

Seeing her baffled expression, Gisela reached for her hand while seated next to her. "There has to be some kind of mistake. I ask that you check her again."

"I did, Miss Gisela. Twice. She really is with a child. I advise you contact their family OB-Gyne so she can accept the best medicare as soon as possib—"

"Doctor." The females turned to the door where a serious Lucas whose presence they didn't even notice. "If it's not too much, will this news stay among us here? I will triple your salary if that's all it takes for you to keep this a secret." 

As much as the male doctor was confused, he agreed.


It has been a few minutes since the doctor left but the three are still as quiet as midnight in Sarina's room. The two attendants glanced at one another a few times, waiting for the other to speak...or ask what's needed to be asked.

"Miss..." Gisela has only started...but Sarina's tears have already raced one by one. The sight broke the hearts of the two. Lucas, even more.

"W-What do I...d-do...? W-What if one of t-those rapists...was the reason I'm...? I-If it is...I don't think I want it...I don't want this..." Meek as a lamb, Sarina says, refusing to meet the orbs of the two. As if she was ashamed and disgusted with herself. Again.

"No, wait, Miss..." Gisela sits on the bed next to her and squeezed her hand again, trying her best to console the woman. "We aren't sure that your baby was from one of them. What if...What if it is from someone that you love...?"

"Someone...that I love...?" Replied the green orbed, making Gisela nod. Slowly, memories of her sexual intercourse with Rindou came resurfacing in her head. Prior to her kidnapping, she did it a lot of times with him. It fits within the number of weeks of her early pregnancy. The possibility is high. is the night of her darkest chapter. Just the idea that a consequence has come out of her nightmare is churning her stomach and making her tremble.

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