Chapter 103: Queen

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Final Missing Chapter

"Her courage is her crown

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"Her courage is her crown. She wore it like a Queen."

TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains manipulation, women degrading, and incest implications. A viewer discretion is advised.

Minutes have passed ever since Sarina and Gisela arrived in the extravagant hall near the Schreiber manor. The green-eyed was told that this place is one of the most astonishing establishments found inside the Schreiber manor, renowned for its Baroque-inspired architectures. But now that they are here, the black-haired is once again eaten by anxiety and overthinking—habits that are not easy to erase.

"Are you okay, Miss?"

"My nerves are killing me. Maybe I should have worn contact lenses or something. Do I really pass as my sister?"

"Well...personality wise, not much. But the face, yes." Gisela knows so well that what the new Dame is experiencing right now is perfectly normal. In fact, even she has distress about what will happen. But they must keep faith that things will turn out to Sarina's favor and that no one will notice.

Yes, the real Aurelia Schreiber has been hidden from the rest of the world because of her anxiety of what this day holds. She was trained to be ready for this day—to be formally introduced as the proper heir to the Purgatorio crown and fortunes. However, the unexpected happened that led to the missing daughter being the proxy to tonight's most significant event. The ladies were interrupted when they suddenly heard someone from the car windows. 

"Miss, it's Lucas. It's time."

Sarina first took a deep breath before nodding to Gisela. The sight served as man's signal to open the car door and let the black-haired woman walk out in her gorgeous dark green, elegant, sequenced gown with emeralds and a slit in front, accentuating the woman's fine height and figure. On first glance, the dress may seem simple for the wearer's natural beauty to shine, but it was actually an elegant design catered to complement Sarina's black hair and green orbs as suggested by Zorn. In less than a month, the woman changed drastically from an ordinary, broke, weird nerd who lost everything to a chic, high-class woman who is wearing millions of euros. 

"Shall we go, Lucas?" To the man who couldn't take his eyes off her, he was so beguiled he couldn't say a thing. "Lucas...?" 

"Yes, Lady Sel—I mean...Dame." He averted his eyes away and offered his arm.

"I've been meaning to ask this but...what does 'Dame' mean?" She asks while walking the pathway at the middle of the garden.

"It's what we call to a female master." 

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