Chapter 2

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Amidst the eerie fog that shrouded the surrounding forest, Tissaia stood next to the corpses, her voice carrying through the fog as she called out to Yennefer. The air was full of tension, and an uneasy silence hung in the humid atmosphere. But there was no answer to her calls, no sign of the powerful sorceress.

Ciri and Lyra sat on Roach, watching the scene unfold with a mixture of awe and curiosity. Geralt walked up to Tissaia with a worried face, leaving the girls on the horse. He asked about Yennefer, his voice tense with worry.

Tissaia shook her head with a serious expression on her face. " We have won" she said in a solemn voice, " but Yennefer is nowhere to be found."

When Geralt returned to the girls, Ciri couldn't help but ask the question that was running through her head. " Who is Yennefer?"

Geralt's answer was brief, his attention still distracted. " It doesn't matter anymore. She left"

This news struck Lyra like lightning. Her adoptive mother Yennefer died. Shock and horror washed over her and her eyes widened in disbelief. She opened her mouth to say something, but neither Geralt nor Ciri seemed to notice her concern. The weight of Yennefer's loss weighed heavily on her heart, forcing her to silently struggle with the pain as they faced an uncertain future.

In the icy darkness, the trio of Geralt, Ciri and Lyra, accompanied by their faithful horse Roach, traveled through snowy landscapes on their way to Kaer Morhen. The piercing cold and harsh beauty of the surroundings painted a serene but solemn picture.

The day was approaching evening, and the cold was getting stronger, and Geralt decided that it was time for a break. He skillfully lit the fire, and soon the crackling flames became a warm refuge in the frozen desert. Orange and gold hues danced, casting a flickering light onto the trio huddled around the fire.

Ciri, tired from the day's travel, sought solace in sleep. However, her holiday was far from peaceful as she was overcome by a nightmarish vision. Her brow furrowed in despair and her restless movements were evidence of the turmoil in her dreams.

On the opposite side of the fire, Lyra sat in thoughtful silence, her gaze fixed on the dancing flames. Her heart was heavy over the loss of her mother Yennefer, and the desire to talk to her father about it haunted her. However, since Ciri came into their lives, Geralt's attention has been largely occupied by the young princess, leaving Lyra feeling forgotten and unrecognized.

The cold bit Lyra, and she wrapped herself in a light blanket to keep warm. In contrast, Ciri lay under two heavy blankets, evidence of the unspoken inequality within their newfound family life.

Today was a significant day for Lyra; she turned seventeen. But the shadow of Yennefer's death loomed, eclipsing any celebration. The weight of grief and the sense of isolation weighed on her as she silently contemplated her place in this developing family, her birthday passing unnoticed in the midst of their dark journey.

Lyra, whose emotions were simmering beneath the surface, decided it was time to speak up. The question that was gnawing at her, the injustice of it all, needed to be voiced. She directed her question at Ciri, her tone a mixture of curiosity and disappointment. " Why does Ciri have two blankets, and I'm stuck with this thin one?

There was a hint of indignation in Lyra's voice, her words showing the imbalance she felt.

Geralt, who had been silent most of the way, answered rudely and dismissively: " It's not your concern"

Lyra's indignation increased. She couldn't hold it in any longer, and the words came out with a mixture of anger and sadness. " Do you even remember, father, that today is my birthday?" And on that very day I lost Yen, my mother.

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