Chapter 12

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In the cozy house they bought in Tretogor, Jaskier and Lyra began a new chapter of their lives together. It was the second month of winter, and the cold city winds swept through the streets outside, but inside their house it was warm and cozy.

Lyra, six months pregnant, sat comfortably by the fire, her pregnant belly protruding softly from beneath her dress. She became more and more accustomed to her new life and the changes it brought.

Jaskier was preparing dinner. The tantalizing aroma of hearty stew filled the room, mingling with the soft crackling of the fireplace. With each piece of vegetables he carefully added to the pot, Jaskier couldn't help but glance at Lyra, who was sitting in a plush chair nearby.

Finally he could no longer contain his curiosity and asked: "How are you feeling, my love? Everything is fine?"

Lyra smiled, her expression one of warmth and satisfaction. " I feel good, Jask. A little tired, but nothing unusual for a woman in my condition. " She gently placed her hand on her stomach, feeling the movements of her unborn child. " But I still can't believe that we will soon become parents."

Jaskier moved closer to Lyra. He knelt down next to her chair and gently placed his hand on her stomach, where their baby was nestled.

"It's incredible, isn't it? Our own little family"

Lyra nodded, her heart filled with love for the man standing next to her. " I couldn't have asked for a better partner to get through this with, Jask."

Lyra stood up, her hands smoothing out the set of clothes she had carefully tailored. She's been working hard on her sewing projects lately, determined to provide for her growing family. As she examined the neatly laid out clothes, Jaskier approached with a hint of concern in his voice.

" You know, my love," he began, " perhaps you should consider taking a break from these orders for a while." You're six months pregnant and I'm worried you're overexerting yourself.

Lyra turned to him with a slight smile on her lips, straightening the seam on her dress.

— Jask, I really appreciate your concern. But I feel pretty good and want to make sure we have everything we need for our baby.

Jaskier couldn't help but smile at her determination. " I know you want the best for our child, and you are incredibly talented at it, but please promise me that you will take this calmly." I will contribute by being a lecturer at the Academy and earning money for us.

Lyra nodded, placing her hand on her stomach and considering Jasker's words. "You are right as always. I'll calm down, but I won't stop completely. It's important to me to feel productive and contribute"

Jaskier leaned down and kissed her forehead tenderly. " This is your spirit, my talented seamstress. Just remember to listen to your body and rest when you need to.

As they stood together, the love and support between them was palpable, and Lyra couldn't help but feel grateful for the life they were building as they eagerly awaited the birth of their baby.

As night fell and the lovers prepared to sleep, Lyra turned to Jaskier and said in a playful, exaggerated tone:

" You know, Jask, I can't believe Yennefer and Geralt did it again." They abandoned me.

Jasker, who was pulling on his nightgown, raised an eyebrow. "Left you, my love? What are you talking about?"

Lyra continued, her tone melodramatic.

— They went on their adventures with Ciri, just like last year. They left me here alone.

Jaskier chuckled as he joined her in bed. "Ah, I understand. So you feel forgotten, don't you?"

The witcher: Fate (Jaskier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now